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Suggestions for improving MUD game retention rates
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Posted by
| Jeremystratton
(9 posts) Bio
| Reply #90 on Tue 30 Oct 2012 08:22 PM (UTC) |
KaVir said:
Tempus said: Your 'what' command is based on a few anticipated questions or does it intuit from elements of the question?
The autohelp feature responds to sequences of keywords people ask on the newbie channel and selects an appropriate response if possible.
The 'what' command is more like a dynamic help file, the contents of which is customised based on your current progress, achievements and abilities.
That autohelp feature is awesome! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #91 on Tue 30 Oct 2012 08:39 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 31 Oct 2012 12:20 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| One thing I developed a while ago, purely client-side was this:
You can expand or collapse the categories.
The idea is that since MUDs tend to be wordy things, it shows common words you might need to type, and explain what they do. The green ones are hyperlinks so all you have to do is click on them. The orange words bring up help on that topic if you click on them.
If you haven't played a particular MUD it can be confusing to know whether you "equip" or "wear" an item. This is supposed to help clear that confusion up.
Being client-side (of course it requires MUSHclient, however that is a free download) you don't need to make any changes to the MUD to implement it.
The plugin itself is largely table-driven, so you simply edit it and alter the tables of words, and descriptions, to suit.
More detail here:
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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