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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Miniwindows ➜ Comments about the function WindowTransformImage

Comments about the function WindowTransformImage

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Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #15 on Fri 27 Aug 2010 05:41 AM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:

Twisol said:

The issue was that your implementation is difficult, so I found another. Does the other implementation make it any easier? It seems like it only needs two blits.

I count four in the code. Two in the setup (to set up the mask) and two in the painting area.

My four are all done at once, because I don't know in advance which bitmap you are doing to do it with.

Huh, sorry about the noise then. (It does seem to use SRCCOPY, SRCAND, and SRCPAINT, where you use SRCCOPY, SRCAND, and SRCINVERT, but I guess there's no difference here.)

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #16 on Fri 27 Aug 2010 06:20 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 27 Aug 2010 06:28 PM (UTC) by Fiendish

1) The name should be WindowTransformImage, not WindowTranslateImage, since translation is just one class of transformation.
2) The transformation results would benefit from bilinear or bicubic interpolation. The shear and rotate examples are super jaggy.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #17 on Fri 27 Aug 2010 10:27 PM (UTC)
Fiendish said:

1) The name should be WindowTransformImage, not WindowTranslateImage, since translation is just one class of transformation.

OK good idea. Did that and revised various documentation and forum posts.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #18 on Fri 27 Aug 2010 10:38 PM (UTC)
Fiendish said:

2) The transformation results would benefit from bilinear or bicubic interpolation. The shear and rotate examples are super jaggy.

This isn't Photoshop, as I was trying to explain to Twisol. Interpolation is not supported by the underlying Windows API.

The client is not intended to be rendering and rotating images on-the-fly like a shoot-em-up game.

I can understand it would be useful to have rotated text (say) for tabbed windows. This can be accomplished now by pre-rendering the tabs (in a scratch miniwindow), converting to an image, and then rotating them. The rotations of 90, 180 and 270 degrees look fine.

You also have the option of pre-rotating an image in Photoshop or other program of your choice, and then rendering the pre-rotated image in the miniwindow.

- Nick Gammon,

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