Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,052 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| The help database does not ship with the FTS tables created, to save space. These tables can be quickly created the first time the database is accessed, for example in a plugin's OnPluginInstall function:
-- for fixing up entities
local entities = {
["<"] = "<";
[">"] = ">";
["&"] = "&";
["""] = "\"";
} -- end of entities
local function fix_description (s)
if not s then
return ""
end -- if
-- get rid of tags
s = s:gsub ("</?%a+/?>", "")
-- convert entities ...
s = s:gsub ("&%a-;", entities)
return s
end -- fix_description
function OnPluginInstall ()
-- open database on disk
if not db then
db = assert ( (66) .. "help.db"))
end -- if
local commands = false
-- see if commands table exists
for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'commands'") do
commands = true
if not commands then
ColourNote ("red", "", "MUSHclient help database 'help.db' not found.")
db:close ()
db = nil
end -- if
local fts4 = false
-- see if fts4 tables exist
for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'commands_lookup'") do
fts4 = true
-- if no fts4 tables, make them
if not fts4 then
local start = utils.timer ()
ColourNote ("cyan", "", "Creating help database full-text lookup tables ...")
assert (db:execute [[
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS commands_lookup;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dialogs_lookup;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS functions_lookup;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS general_doc_lookup;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS errors_lookup;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lua_functions_lookup;
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE commands_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description)")
-- fix up HTML stuff
for row in db:nrows("SELECT command_name, short_description, description FROM commands") do
assert (db:execute (string.format ([[
INSERT INTO commands_lookup (name, summary, description)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)]],
fixsql (row.command_name),
fixsql (row.short_description),
fixsql (fix_description (row.description)))))
end -- for
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE dialogs_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description)")
-- fix up HTML stuff
for row in db:nrows("SELECT dialog_name, title, description FROM dialogs") do
assert (db:execute (string.format ([[
INSERT INTO dialogs_lookup (name, summary, description)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)]],
fixsql (row.dialog_name),
fixsql (row.title),
fixsql (fix_description (row.description)))))
end -- for
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE functions_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes)")
assert (db:execute [[INSERT INTO functions_lookup (name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes)
SELECT name, summary, description, lua_example, lua_notes FROM functions]])
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE general_doc_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description)")
-- fix up HTML stuff
for row in db:nrows("SELECT doc_name, title, description FROM general_doc") do
assert (db:execute (string.format ([[
INSERT INTO general_doc_lookup (name, summary, description)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)]],
fixsql (row.doc_name),
fixsql (row.title),
fixsql (fix_description (row.description)))))
end -- for
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE errors_lookup USING FTS4(name, error_code, description)")
assert (db:execute [[INSERT INTO errors_lookup (name, error_code, description)
SELECT error_name, error_code, meaning FROM errors ]])
assert (db:execute "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE lua_functions_lookup USING FTS4(name, summary, description)")
-- fix up HTML stuff
for row in db:nrows("SELECT name, summary, description FROM lua_functions") do
assert (db:execute (string.format ([[
INSERT INTO lua_functions_lookup (name, summary, description)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s)]],
fixsql (,
fixsql (row.summary),
fixsql (fix_description (row.description)))))
end -- for
assert (db:execute "COMMIT;")
ColourNote ("cyan", "", string.format ("Done. Took %0.3f seconds.", utils.timer () - start))
end -- if
end -- OnPluginInstall
On my PC this took about 0.2 seconds to run.
[EDIT] Modified FTS creation to remove tags like <code> from the lookup database (otherwise you see annoying things like <code> in the snippets). Also convert < to < and so on.
Also modified to check that the database is present (by checking for the "commands" table). SQLite3 tends to create an empty database on opening, so the fact that the open succeeds does not guarantee you have any tables present. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |