I have 1083 rooms in 20 areas. I made each area from scratch using the mud grinder(browser based). I'm using the latest coffeemud release(5.8 I believe). I don't have anything complex going on, 95% of the areas are just room descriptions...I have 2 quests so far and a few shopkeepers, mobs standing around...nothing complex done with my mud so far from anything I've done...here is my summary:
-------------- MUSHclient summary --------------
MUSHclient version: 4.84
Compiled: Sep 30 2012.
Time now: Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 9:35 AM
Client running for: 0d 00h 05m 58s
World opened for: 0d 00h 05m 47s
World connected for: 0d 00h 00m 22s
Operating system: Windows 7
Libraries: Lua 5.1.4, PCRE 8.31, PNG 1.5.12, SQLite3 3.7.14, Zlib 1.2.5
World name: 'mymud', ID: 504aeb1bbf5eda965f6aff06
-- Scripting --
Script language: Lua, enabled: yes
Scripting active: yes
Lua sandbox is 127 characters, DLL loading allowed: yes
Scripting prefix: ''. External editor in use: NO.
Scripting for: 0.816960 seconds.
-- Triggers, aliases, timers, variables --
** Triggers: 0 in world file, triggers enabled: yes.
0 enabled, 0 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Aliases: 0 in world file, aliases enabled: yes.
0 enabled, 0 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Timers: 0 in world file, timers enabled: yes.
0 enabled, 0 fired.
Timers checked every 0.1 seconds.
** Variables: 0.
-- MCCP --
MCCP active, took 0.027268 seconds to decompress
MCCP received 4195 compressed bytes, decompressed to 23727 bytes.
MCCP compression ratio was: 17.7% (lower is better)
-- Plugins (Processing order) --
ID: 85f72d0e263d75df7bde6f00, 'ATCP_NJG', (Lua, 0.109 s) Enabled [Cb]
ID: 3e7dedbe37e44942dd46d264, 'GMCP_handler', (Lua, 0.245 s) Enabled [Al Va Cb]
ID: a80b38e2f618fbda79a6440c, 'ATCP_Mapper', (Lua, 0.057 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va Cb]
ID: 71a90acddb14f784437b8b80, 'Summary', (Lua, 0.000 s) Enabled [Al]
** Plugins: 4 loaded, 4 enabled.
-- Comms --
Connect phase: 8 (Open). NAWS wanted: NO
Received: 4323 bytes (4 Kb)
Sent: 856 bytes (0 Kb)
Received 26 packets, sent 14 packets.
Total lines received: 654
This connection: Sent 7 lines, received 178 lines.
Telnet (IAC) received: DO: 0, DONT: 0, WILL: 8, WONT: 4, SB: 63 [Telnet]
-- MXP --
MXP active: NO, Pueblo mode: NO, Activated: On command
MXP tags received: 0
MXP entities received: 0
MXP errors: 0
-- Commands --
Commands in command history: 27
Speed walking enabled: NO. Speed walking prefix: #
Command stacking enabled: NO. Command stack character: ';'
Accelerators defined: 0
-- Miniwindows --
Window: 'a80b38e2f618fbda79a6440c_mapper', at (0,0,0,0), shown: yes
width: 400, height: 400, position: 7, hotspots: 1, fonts: 2, images: 0
WARNING: temporarily hidden by auto-positioning (no room)
** Miniwindows: 1 loaded, 1 shown.
-- Output window --
Output pixels: width 1003, height: 378, font width: 8, font height: 15
can show 125 characters, wrapping at column 80, height 25 lines.
Output buffer: 675 of 5000 lines.
-- Miscellaneous --
Logging: NO, tracing: NO
** SQLite3 databases: 0
Sound buffers in use: 0
---------------------- End summary ----------------------
EDIT: Just a little side info for you: What I've done is taken the old cyberpunk 2020 pen and paper game manuals and created all of night city from scratch using the night city manual(none of my mud is imported from a different mud or any existing area files etc.)...I plan on adding the 'net' as a large area/multiple areas that will be used mostly by the netrunner player class...I also still need to add the combat zone and then Night City itself will be complete...so now you know basically what I'm doing here. |