My apologies, I did a horrible job of describing what I'm trying to do.
I have two dummy worlds (Channel Chats and OOC) that are fed via the main world window. I've tried using the Hyperlink_URL2 plugin, but things that should only be being sent to either the Channel Chats or OOC windows are also showing up on the main window. That's the crux of my problem. I'm able to read enough of LUA to cobble things together (horribly, I know), but I'm still trying to figure out how the puzzle pieces fit together.
Second, I'd like to take just the URL portion (I've been able to do this successfully) and send that to a separate Link History sub-World, and append where it came from (Channel Chats, OOC, Main, for instance) and a timestamp. Unfortunately, the way that I did that also meant that it sent that to the server, so it would be "page bob=Hey, check this link out:," but go through as "page bob=OOC <garbage from timestamp messing with MUSH code> Hey, check this ... etc."
Third, I ran into a problem where cutting the text with the hyperlinks out of the main world window would completely remove it from there, send only the link, and anything that would be linked in say, a room, or a description, would be completely lost. The alternative was to send the full text to the Link History window, but that seemed like a very poor solution and would have been less useful than the original problem I was trying to solve.
None of this is anything that's necessary to be solved, and it's just super creature comfort/quality of life stuff for my admittedly quirky setup, but I've shared it with a few people and I know that they would also like a solid URL handler for worlds with sub-worlds.
Please note that I'm saying sub-worlds, and *not* mini-windows. The purpose behind using sub-worlds is so that I can take advantage of the additional inputs (Those get redirected back to the main window), so that I can chat/look at descriptions/check information/help files without losing poses. It's been especially helpful for working on MUSH softcode on the fly.
If I could get, like, a list of functions that I should read up on, or some insight into how things are sent from a main world to a dummy world, and how to make sure hyperlinks and ANSI formatting remain intact, it would really be helpful.
I've tried reading the stuff for note, colournote/tell, but I haven't been able to find anything about NoteStyle? At least, not in how it's used here.
I know this is probably super confusing to anyone that isn't me, and I'm really sorry about that. Hopefully there's someone that gets it and can point me in the right direction. If not, thank you all for your help. I've used y'all as a resource for about a decade now. |