Fiendish said:
or they call it Ambient Sounds
Why do you care what they call it?
Is there a starter pack that has everything one would need to get started?
Some MUDs may have them, but it's going to be specific to each game. Any "sound pack" is basically just a long list of triggers that play some sound file when the trigger fires. Since every MUD has different things going on, every MUD would have a different set of sounds and a different list of triggers.
Does it have be used by a screen reader or can it be played from any Windows computer?
Any computer can play sounds.
Does text to speech sound really robotic like from the typical Windows computer or it sounds more life like?
I don't understand why you're now talking about text to speech. Sound packs have nothing to do with text to speech. In any case, the answer to that depends on what voice engine you use.
Is everything basically automatic or I have to teach the game to produce these sounds room to room, situation to situation and only when I go back to the same room or situation it plays the appropriate sound files?
It's not magic. You need triggers that look for certain messages.
Does me talking into the microphone than allow my character to move from room to room and interact with things, so basically I could be playing while doing things around the house?
This is again an entirely unrelated subject to either of the previous subjects.