Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,120 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| The example below will show multiple images. I made a table "infos" which holds all of the info fields. To test type:
That adds both of them to the infos table, and then the timer calls PlayAllMovieFrames which calls PlayMovieFrame for each of the movies in the table (which therefore could be many). I'll leave it up to you to make a way of getting rid of one you don't want any more (delete it from the table). You would probably also want to blank out that part of the screen so that last frame didn't stay there.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Demonstrates playing multiple animatinos"
date_written="2019-11-10 13:24:09"
<!-- Aliases -->
match="^testmovie (\d+)$"
<!-- Timers -->
<!-- Script -->
infos = {}
function OnPluginInstall ()
win = "movie_" .. GetPluginID () -- get a unique name
-- make the window
WindowCreate (win, 100, -- left
100, -- top
500, -- width
500, -- height
0) -- create window
WindowShow (win)
end -- OnPluginInstall
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PlayMovie (info)
-- info.filename (eg. "/frames/my_movie_%03i.png" )
-- info.frames (eg. 10, if the movie consists of 10 files)
-- info.x - X position on screen
-- info.y - Y position on screen
-- Suggested conversion:
-- ffmpeg -ss "00:30" -i INPUTFILE.mp4 -t 1 -r 10 -s 720x404 frames/my_movie_%03i.png
-- ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
-- Start time input file how long FPS size output files
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function PlayMovie (info)
movieInfo = info
if not info then
end -- if
assert (type (movieInfo) == "table",
"Argument to PlayMovie should be a table")
-- see if already in table
if infos [info.filename] then
end -- if already there
local gotErrors = false
-- load each movie frame into memory, if not already done
for i = 1, movieInfo.frames do
local filename = string.format (movieInfo.filename, i)
if not WindowImageInfo(win, filename, 2) then
local result = WindowLoadImage(win, filename, filename)
if result ~= error_code.eOK then
ColourNote ("Red", "", "Could not open move frame file:")
ColourNote ("Red", "", " -> " .. filename)
ColourNote ("Red", "", " Reason: " .. error_desc [result])
gotErrors = true
end -- if
end -- if
end -- for each frame
-- if couldn't do it, discard the movie info
if gotErrors then
movieInfo = nil
end -- if
-- otherwise, start at frame 1
movieInfo.currentFrame = 1
-- put into table of infos
infos [info.filename] = movieInfo
end -- PlayMovie
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PlayMovieFrame - show current frame, advance count
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function PlayMovieFrame (movieInfo)
-- timing stuff
timeTaken = timeTaken or 0
frameCount = frameCount or 0
local startTime = utils.timer ()
local filename = string.format (movieInfo.filename, movieInfo.currentFrame)
if WindowDrawImage (win, filename, movieInfo.x, movieInfo.y, 0, 0,
miniwin.image_copy) ~= error_code.eOK then
ColourNote ("Orange", "", "Could not draw image: " .. imageName)
end -- if
Redraw () -- force screen update
-- next frame
movieInfo.currentFrame = movieInfo.currentFrame + 1
-- wrap
if movieInfo.currentFrame > movieInfo.frames then
movieInfo.currentFrame = 1
end -- if
-- add up how long we took doing this
timeTaken = timeTaken + utils.timer () - startTime
-- and how many times
frameCount = frameCount + 1
end -- PlayMovieFrame
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PlayAllMovieFrames - called by a timer every 1/10 second - calls
-- PlayMovieFrame for each movie in the table
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function PlayAllMovieFrames (timerName)
for k, v in pairs (infos) do
PlayMovieFrame (v)
end -- for
end -- PlayAllMovieFrames
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TestMovie - for testing
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------
function TestMovie (name, line, wildcards)
if wildcards [1] == "1" then
PlayMovie {
filename = "frames\\mr.moti_%03i.png",
frames = 9,
x = 10,
y = 10,
PlayMovie {
filename = "frames\\my_movie_%03i.png",
frames = 2,
x = 300,
y = 300,
end -- if
end -- TestMovie
As for the green stuff, there seems to be something odd with the way you converted your gifs to png files. If I run this to remove the alpha channel:
mogrify mr.moti_001.png -alpha off
Then the first file (and only that one) has a green background. If you remove the alpha channel and then fix any resulting colour discrepancies, it should be OK. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |