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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ multi-windowed mud output. any ideas?

multi-windowed mud output. any ideas?

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Posted by finnish   Russia  (18 posts)  Bio
Date Sun 12 Oct 2003 01:14 PM (UTC)
i'm interested in sortin' mud output to different windows.
something like chats and tells to one and everything else to another. how can i do it?

she never loved me why should anyone

Posted by Shadowfyr   USA  (1,790 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Sun 12 Oct 2003 07:02 PM (UTC)
Three ways.

1. Use a notepad window and send things there, but you don't get any color.

2. Open a second world and redirect output to that. This is a bit complicated though.

3. Write and ActiveX dll or exe that provides a richtext window you can write to. This is better than 2, since you can place the window anywhere you want, especially outside the client window, but worse in that you have to code the whole dang thing yourself.

There is no good built in way to do this though. If you search the forums a bit, then you should find examples of the first, maybe the second and hints as to how to at least create the 'basic' interface for the third option, though actually using the richedit control the the like is up to whoever codes such a thing to figure out.

Sorry I can't be more helpful, but I don't like either of the first two options and I haven't yet found myself in great enough need of such a thing to build the third. :p

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