this is pretty cool, and pointless, I guess it could keep you active for awhile in a mud... Put it in a timer for a mud, set it to what ya want...
import random
from time import localtime, strftime
number = int(random.randrange(1, 243))
myRandomness = "admire", "afk", "agree", "aha", "ahh", "ahm", "ahoy", "amuse", "annoy",
"applaud", "argh", "aww", "aye", "babble", "bah", "bark", "beam", "bearhug", "beg", "
belch", "bellow", "blink", "blush", "boggle", "brush", "boo", "bounce", "bow", "brb", "brow
", "cackle", "caress", "cartwheel", "catcall", "cheer", "chortle", "chuckle", "clap", "cold",
"comfort", "congratulations", "console", "coo", "cool", "cough", "cower", "cringe", "cry",
"cuddle", "curtsey", "dance", "deepkiss", "disagree", "discourage", "doff", "doh", "drool",
"duck", "dust", "eep", "eh", "embrace", "encourage", "envy", "erk", "evilgrin", "faint", "
fidget", "flex", "flip", "flirt", "flutter", "frown", "fume", "gan", "gasp", "gaze", "giggle", "
glare", "gnash", "good", "goodnight", "greet", "grimace", "grin", "groan", "grovel", "
growl", "grumble", "gulp", "ha", "handshake", "happysigh", "havoc", "hehe", "hello", "hi",
"highfive", "hiss", "hmm", "hmph", "hop", "hope", "hotkiss", "hug", "huh", "hum", "ignore",
"kiss", "kneel", "laugh", "lean", "lick", "listen", "moi", "moon", "mutter", "nag", "narrow", "
nibble", "no", "nod", "nudge", "ogle", "oh", "oi", "okay", "ooh", "oops", "ouch", "ow", "
pace", "panic", "pant", "pat", "patronize", "peck", "peer", "pet", "phew", "pinch", "plead",
"poke", "ponder", "pose", "pounce", "pout", "prod", "promise", "quake", "raise", "
raspberry", "roar", "rofl", "roll", "rub", "salute", "scoff", "scowl", "scratch", "scream", "
shiver", "shoo", "shriek", "shrug", "shudder", "shuffle", "sigh", "sing", "sit", "skip", "slap",
"slouch", "slump", "smack", "smile", "smirk", "smooch", "snap", "sneer", "sneeze", "snicker
", "sniff", "sniffle", "snigger", "snog", "snore", "snort", "snuggle", "sob", "sorry", "spit", "
splutter", "squeal", "stagger", "stammer", "stamp", "stand", "stare", "stomp", "stroke", "
strut", "stutter", "sulk", "sure", "surprise", "swagger", "sweat", "swoon", "tap", "tease", "
thank", "think", "thump", "tickle", "titter", "toast", "tongue", "tremble", "tsk", "tut", "
twiddle", "twinkle", "twirl", "urge", "wag", "wail", "wave", "whimper", "whistle", "why", "
wicked", "wiggle", "wince", "wink", "wistful", "woot", "wow", "yawn", "yo", "say I hope
this doesn't take long", "say I wonder what the stars feel..", "say I love cookies.."
timeNow = strftime("%i:%M:%S", localtime())
world.note("Time: " + str(timeNow) + ", Number: " + str(number) + ", Emote: " + myRandomness[number])
#Btw, I did put alot of emotes in there, in fact, all for the game haha... but you can shorten that... and it displays the time, number of emote, and the emote word in a note, so you know when it went off etc...
Ah well, i know, pointless, but its cool. :) |