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| Poromenos
Greece (1,037 posts) Bio
| No, I was referring to the Rich Text box control, it has specific commands to do that... Anyway, it's working now, I just uploaded it to Download it, run it, and paste this alias:
Dim WindowObject
WindowObject = Empty
Set WindowObject = CreateObject ("MUClientWindow.TextBox")
WindowObject.Topmost = True
WindowObject.SetTitle "Groovy MUClient Window"
WindowObject.SetPosition 300, 500, 12000, 3000
WindowObject.Opacity = 0.7
WindowObject.Transparent = True
WindowObject.Locked = True
WindowObject.BackgroundColor = vbBlack
WindowObject.Note "The ", "Times New Roman", 11, vbWhite
WindowObject.Note "quick ", "Times New Roman", 12, vbGreen
WindowObject.Note "fox ", "Times New Roman", 13, vbRed
WindowObject.Note "jumped ", "Times New Roman", 14, vbBlue
WindowObject.Note "over ", "Times New Roman", 15, vbYellow
WindowObject.Note "some ", "Times New Roman", 16, vbMagenta
WindowObject.Note "meaningless ", "Times New Roman", 17, vbCyan
WindowObject.Note "animal. " & vbCrLf, "Times New Roman", 18, vbWhite
WindowObject.Note "This is just a demo." & vbCrLf, "Lucida Console", 8, vbRed
WindowObject.Note "Post stuff at the forum." & vbCrLf, , , vbWhite
Dim WindowObject2
WindowObject2 = Empty
Set WindowObject2 = CreateObject ("MUClientWindow.TextBox")
WindowObject2.Note "Oh!" & vbCrLf
WindowObject2.Note "You can have as many of these as you like (I think)"
Then, type DoDemo to see it working. Tell me what you think. |
Vidi, Vici, Veni. Read it! | Top |