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➜ Programming
➜ Function tracer
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Sat 10 Jul 2004 05:51 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 10 Jul 2004 06:07 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| The code below is for a simple function tracer. The idea is to output debugging information to somewhere (eg. standard output) to show when a function has been called. The constructor supplies the function name and echoes "begin name" to the output stream. The destruction echoes "--end name" when the function terminates.
It also uses a map of function names so that it can count how many times a function was called. You could use this for some simple profiling.
To use it, just include the class in your project, and then put something like:
trace x ("func_name");
at the start of your functions. This will then echo "begin func_name" when that line is reached.
It is important to give the class variable a name (like "x" in the example). Without it, like this:
trace ("func_name"); // don't do this!
the compiler will construct a temporary object which will immediately be destroyed, thus showing the "--end func_name" message at the wrong time.
You can use any standard ostream as the recipient of the trace messages (eg. cout, cerr). For no tracing (eg. in production) use 0 as the output stream.
You can turn tracing on and off with the "reset" member function. eg.
trace::reset (0); // turn tracing off
trace::reset (&cout); // turn tracing on, output to cout
To show the summaries of counts just call:
trace::show_counts ();
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning( disable : 4786)
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class trace
const string name;
const int which;
static ostream * os;
static map<string, int> invoc_count;
// constructor shows beginning of function
trace (const string & s)
: name (s), which (++invoc_count [s])
if (os)
*os << "begin " << name << " #" << which << endl;
// destructor shows end of function
~trace ()
if (os)
*os << "--end " << name << " #" << which << endl;
// change output stream to something else (eg. &cout, or 0)
static void reset (ostream * o)
os = o;
// show counts of how many times every function called
static void show_counts ()
if (os)
for (map<string, int>::const_iterator i = invoc_count.begin ();
i != invoc_count.end ();
*os << i->second << " " << i->first << endl;
// reset all counts
static void reset_counts ()
invoc_count.clear ();
}; // end of trace
// initialise static variables
ostream * trace::os = &cout;
map<string, int> trace::invoc_count;
void g ()
trace t ("g");
void f ()
trace t ("f");
g ();
g ();
int main (void)
trace t ("main");
f ();
f ();
f ();
trace::reset (0);
trace t ("foo");
trace::reset (&cout);
trace t ("bah");
trace::show_counts ();
return 0;
begin main #1
begin f #1
begin g #1
--end g #1
begin g #2
--end g #2
--end f #1
begin f #2
begin g #3
--end g #3
begin g #4
--end g #4
--end f #2
begin f #3
begin g #5
--end g #5
begin g #6
--end g #6
--end f #3
begin bah #1
--end bah #1
1 bah
3 f
1 foo
6 g
1 main
--end main #1
The output shows the call sequence (eg. main calls f which calls g).
The summary at the end shows the count of each function call.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 10 Jul 2004 06:26 AM (UTC) |
| A neat variation is to output to a stringstream, this could then be sent somewhere else (eg. written to a file, sent on the Internet, eaten by wild goats).
Here is an example, modifying the "main" function above:
#include <sstream>
int main (void)
ostringstream to; // trace output
trace::reset (&to); // direct to our string stream
trace t ("main");
f ();
f ();
f ();
trace::show_counts (); // output function counts
// show results (string in 'to')
cout << "trace output = " << endl << to.str ();
return 0;
trace output =
begin main #1
begin f #1
begin g #1
--end g #1
begin g #2
--end g #2
--end f #1
begin f #2
begin g #3
--end g #3
begin g #4
--end g #4
--end f #2
begin f #3
begin g #5
--end g #5
begin g #6
--end g #6
--end f #3
3 f
6 g
1 main
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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