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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ Aliases


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Posted by Akisohida   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 23 Feb 2005 07:54 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 23 Feb 2005 07:59 PM (UTC) by Akisohida

Ok, I have a not-so-simple (to me) question. I just spent the last hour trying to figure out (with no luck) how to set an alias on MUSHclient so I can type...ohh..random example from a MUD..there is a pixie in the room and I have the skill fire breath. Ok, I know I want a variable that makes fb become fire breath @target and I can easilery set that but I can not set up the alias that makes it so I type tt pixie and then pixie becomes the @target field. Help! How do I make tt pixie target the pixie with any skills I then type? Oh! And just in case I said it stupidly, that tt field with change every time I type in tt again. So I can go from fighting a pixy to fighting a wolf by typing tt wolf and then fb would fire breath the wolf.

Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Wed 23 Feb 2005 08:30 PM (UTC)
This should be in the Mushclient section, but anyway...
gives a good rundown. Of course, if you search the mushclient section for target (or target set variable) you'll get a rather large list of things to choose from for various situations.


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

Clones are people two.

Posted by Akisohida   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 23 Feb 2005 08:45 PM (UTC)
Umm..that made no sense to me. I am a little dumb about computers. If it is not too much trouble, can you babytalk me though what I put and where to make it so I can tt an NPC to make it my target? Preferrably 'ok, cut and pase this to alias title: blah blah blah' :)

Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Fri 25 Feb 2005 05:46 PM (UTC)
match="tt *"

that will set whatever you target to the "target" variable. Which you can then use in other aliases with 'expand variables'.


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

Clones are people two.

Posted by Akisohida   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 26 Feb 2005 02:49 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 26 Feb 2005 03:16 PM (UTC) by Akisohida

Ignore this post. The attackign is easy. Just punch set to 'punch @target'

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