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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ REQ: Achaea Help, Variables, Aliases Triggers and more

REQ: Achaea Help, Variables, Aliases Triggers and more

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Posted by Draccy   USA  (1 post)  Bio
Date Sun 10 Apr 2005 11:37 PM (UTC)

I am a zmud (dare I say it) convert and really open to the power of mushclient. It looks great and I am looking forward to growing into it.

I'm looking for a way to set up a simple highlighting system for names.

I'd like to have a trigger that knows to highlight any names it finds in a variable called CITY with colours of that city. In addition to that, I'd like to be able to add a name to the variable city directly from the command line.

So, addn friends Dracnor would add the name Dracnor to the variable friends.

Is this possible at all?

I'd also need a way to delete a name from a variable too!

Many thanks in advance to teaching this novice.

Dracnor "Draccy" Danial

Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 11 Apr 2005 01:52 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 11 Apr 2005 01:53 AM (UTC) by Flannel

While the changing the name to the color of the city is a little bit more complicated (although easy to add in later, Ill get back to you on it), the details of listing of highlighting (changing color) and adding/subtracting can all be found in a couple of places (pieces in each):

Once again, the coloring based on city will get a little more complicated (how do you know which city you're in?) although only a little bit more (you'll have to edit the trigger for the color, but it wont be too hard).

However that covers the basics of storing a list of things to highlight (and adding and deleting from that list).


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

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