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Posted by
| GageEndal
(14 posts) Bio
| Tue 19 Apr 2005 04:10 AM (UTC) |
| This one is probrobly pretty simple. I want to set up a trigger that will shove my current score into a variable and have that variable display in the Status Bar on the bottom of the screen. On top of that, whenever I get the message:
You receive 2100 experience points and 17 gil!
I want it to set 2100 to a wildcard and subtract that from the current score. I have no clue how to work scripts and I have gotten very good with triggers. Please reply if you think you can help with this one. | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Tue 19 Apr 2005 04:17 AM (UTC) |
| What does the score line look like? |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| GageEndal
(14 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 19 Apr 2005 01:25 PM (UTC) |
| | |---------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | You have 34582278 experience. | |
| | You need 299842 experience to gain a level. | |
| | You have been awarded 0 Roleplay points this level. | | | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Tue 19 Apr 2005 07:00 PM (UTC) |
| In the future, you should put output in [code][/code] tags to preserve whitespace (it didn't matter in this case, since its a variable amount anyway). Of course then you have to escape a couple of things (which you can do in a mushclient notepad automatically).
I assumed you wanted the experience to level (since otherwise subtracting didn't make sense) and this will do it for you (assuming you're using VBScript):
match="^\| \| You need (\d+) experience to gain a level\.[ ]+\| \|$"
<send>setvariable "exptolevel", "%1"
setstatus "ExpToLevel: %1"</send>
match="^You receive (\d+) experience points? and (\d+) gil!$"
<send>setvariable "exptolevel", getvariable("exptolevel") - %1
SetStatus "ExpToLevel: " & getvariable("exptolevel")</send>
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| GageEndal
(14 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Wed 20 Apr 2005 03:25 AM (UTC) |
| I put it in and I think it's working. I got an error message though that says
| | You need 290676 experience to gain a level. | |
Send-to-script cannot execute because scripting is not enabled.
| | You have been awarded 0 Roleplay points this level. | |
Any clue how to fix this?
| Top |
Posted by
| GageEndal
(14 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Wed 20 Apr 2005 03:26 AM (UTC) |
| Nevermind, I fixed it. Works like a charm! Thanks! | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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