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 Entire forum ➜ Programming ➜ General ➜ couple of things

couple of things

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Posted by Sivle   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 13 May 2005 06:37 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 13 May 2005 06:41 PM (UTC) by Sivle

first off, I've downloaded the latest cygwin, download smaug1.4ap.tar.gz,, and successfully compiled it under cygwin. Here's the problem: using the windows version of the server, I have no problem, people can connect to me, however, the server I compiled, they can not, weather I start it under cygwin or directly from windows (dbl clicking the exe file in the area folder). So I already know that people can connect to my ip, I've read the whole forum about this problem, routers, firewalls and the like, that doesnt seem to be a problem for me since people can connect to
precompiled version. I get no errors when compiling the cygwin
version, and can connect to it via 4000, whether I run it under cygwin or directly from the area folder and dbl clicking, but I, and I'm assuming no one else, cant connect to
the server of this version. Any ideas what might be different
between the two versions that would keep connections from happening via tcp/ip? I'm new to coding, but trying to learn, and am looking forward to making additions of my own to the code.
secondly, I noticed in other unrelated post on this site concerning the 'planes' errors on booting/rebooting, there is a simple solution. I havent seen that anyone has found this, in any other post here, but the problem is this, in the area.lst file, it calls for plains.are, while I think the server is hardcoded to look for planes.are, since there is a difference in the spelling, it's not seeing it, just rename the plains.are to planes.are in the area.lst and the file itself. If you dont, start your server and see if the plains exsist as they should, outside the northgate of the city, help map shows it should be there, it wont be if you havent made these changes.
not sure you'll need this info, but here it is:
running win98se, di-604 with port forwarding to port 4000
nothing else running on port 4000 when I run the server.

Posted by Meerclar   USA  (733 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 13 May 2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
First, what IP address are you having your friends try to connect to you at? If you have them using all they'll ever connect to is their own machine. You also cant use 192.168.*.*, part of the 172.*.*.* block or the 10.*.*.* addresses since they're private addresses. You'll need to open up a dos window and type ipconfig to get your public address they can connect to you at. Once you have that, we can address any true connectivity/forwarding issues.

Meerclar - Lord of Cats
Coder, Builder, and Tormenter of Mortals
Stormbringer: Rebirth

Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Sat 14 May 2005 (UTC)

Amended on Sat 14 May 2005 12:08 AM (UTC) by Flannel

ipconfig won't work if you're behind a home router (like a linsys). You'll need to use a website to get your IP, there are a bunch of sites that do this (either implicitly, or just as a 'oh by the way, here's the IP of the last login').
Either that, or you could sign up for a service like dyndns so you have actual words to go with your server (and a client that automatically updates your IP with the server).


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

Clones are people two.

Posted by Sivle   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Sat 14 May 2005 02:01 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I know that those ip's cant be accessed by others. I use a free dns servicem dyndns in fact. I have some friends use it, it works when playing other games, I can even access thru it when I run the windows version, 4000. This is how I know that the cygwin version is not working correctly as far as tcp/ip connections go. Yes, I can acess it thru, but outside connections arent being accepted.

Posted by Sivle   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sat 14 May 2005 02:10 AM (UTC)
Oh, if you'll notice too, in the first post, I said that friends could already connect to the windows version of the server, so obviously there isnt a connectivity issue to my comp. So that leads me to believe there must be an issue with the cygwin version of the code. Some difference between it and
and the precompiled windows version.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Sun 15 May 2005 12:29 AM (UTC)
You have described your problem well, it doesn't sound like a TCP/IP connectivity issue, but what could it be?

I presume in both cases you are using port 4000? It isn't an issue with port forwarding is it? Or do you have a personal firewall going that lets connections to the precompiled version through but blocks to the Cygwin DLL?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Sivle   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Sun 15 May 2005 02:06 AM (UTC)
hey nick,
yes in both cases I was using port 4000. Port forwarding doesnt seem to be the problem either, if it were I'd get no connections to the precompiled or other games I play on that port. As for firewall, when I first started using the precomplied version, I didnt have to do anything with the router firewall, and connections were being allowed to the precompiled. I'm not sure, but that might have been due to the fact that I had already setup an allow to port 4000 for another game (diablo 2). The router firewall is the only firewall that I have btw, and I dont have it blocking very much. So I dont see it being a firewall issue. The only other possible problem as far as protections keep connections from getting thru would be Norton 2005, but when that pops up, I usually only need to click 'permit' and connections are allowed from then on, but that doesnt seem to be the case for the cygwin dll. Norton is seeing it as smaug.exe, which is technically correct, but all I see in my mud client window is that the connection failed, and retries being attempted (using
a modififed version of wintin). So unless I missed something somewhere, which I dont think I have with port forwarding or
firewall, then I am baffled as to what it could be. Hopefully you have a better insight as to what could possibly be causing this, and your help is very much appreciated.

Posted by Flannel   USA  (1,230 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Sun 15 May 2005 05:52 AM (UTC)
You could go into your firewall configuration for the programs (firewall > configure button > programs tab) and take a look to see if you are infact 'permitting all' (or whatever you might be) for that (whether its Cygwin, or whatever); actually, it looks like Cygwin shows up at the components itself (I have bash, ssh, xterm and Xwin, as well as the setup application, which is called 'setup', so you'll have to look pretty carefully, since it could be a couple of things, and they all have the generic icon at that).
If in doubt, delete the entry, and then you'll get a popup dialog next time you run it (since you couldve accidentally blocked the thing the first time you ran it, I know I've done it before).

Anyway, could it possibly have something to do with sitebans or whatnot? I'm personally not familiar with smaug, but that seems like it could be something being overlooked, if there even is one.


Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.

Clones are people two.

Posted by Sivle   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Mon 16 May 2005 06:30 PM (UTC)
ok Flannel, I tried what you proposed. Nothing helped, I even
tried removing the allows that I had setup for smaug, and tried to connect to the precompiled windows version of smaug,
and did connect w/o any problems. I even tried to connect to
a cygwin compiled version, and was unable to get a connect
with it. When I say I tried the cygwin version, I followed
the exact proceedures as described in the 'running the server'
forum for cygwin, and even went so far as to copy the exe to the windows version, and tried it there, still with no luck.
Given this, I'm under the impression that the firewall is not
blocking the port to begin with, else the windows precompiled
version would not have gotten a connection. So, we're back to square 1, trying to figure out why one version is connecting
while all others wont. I compiled a couple of versions of it so far, none of which will connect.
I'd like to also apologize for not starting this thread where it belongs, but I thought I had, guess I'll look a bit closer next time, if a need arises :-)

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