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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Perlscript
➜ trouble with passing of variables
trouble with passing of variables
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Posted by
| Martijn
(20 posts) Bio
| Mon 28 May 2007 11:17 PM (UTC) |
| below is a crosspost from Scripts. I'm having some real problems with variables under perl, and was wondering if anyone knows what is going on, or may be able to help me find a workaround. I have switched to Python for scriping, but I'm still a little annoyed that what I though should be working, doesn't.
with my limited knowledge of OLE/COM objects I thought activePERL would magicaly poof it and make everything allright. It seems not. Even my targetting system, which was working properly before has gone dodgy now. I have it now as
match="^target (\w+)"
sub setTarget{
my ($theName, $theOutput, $wildcards) = @_;
my $target = GetAliasWildcard($theName, "1");
$world->note("setting target to ".$target);
my $fetchedTarget = $world.getVariable("target");
$world->note("target is now ".$fetchedTarget);
as it is now, imputting
target bigbadwolf
should output
setting target to bigbadwolf
target is now bigbadwolf
wrong. It gives
setting target to bigbadwolf
target is now Win32::OLE=HASH(0xfaa1b4)bigbadwolf
I'm confused now...
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Posted by
| KP
(24 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Thu 31 May 2007 09:54 PM (UTC) |
| as usually, its just a small typo:
my $fetchedTarget = $world.getVariable("target");
should be:
my $fetchedTarget = $world->getVariable("target");
KP | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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