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DB/Z/GT Code bases

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Posted by Jaquio   USA  (10 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Wed 24 Sep 2008 09:04 PM (UTC)
I need to find some DB/Z/GT code bases don't really want to startup a mud just want to look at the code and try to learn. I know some just not anything about muds, thanks.
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Posted by Zeno   USA  (2,871 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Thu 25 Sep 2008 06:01 AM (UTC)

I see at least 5 DBZ codebases there.

Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy
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Posted by Jaquio   USA  (10 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 25 Sep 2008 06:07 AM (UTC)
Yeah but most are windows based, all the ones I seen were except for the DBSC2.5.2 and DBSC2.5 which won't compile on Linux for me and 2.5.2 I have problems with(from the other post about the Core Dump). I was trying to maybe find DBNA 1.7 or something, at the moment I am *TRYING* to modify SmaugFUSS1.9 but not getting to far. lol
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Thu 25 Sep 2008 07:18 AM (UTC)
I would be very surprised if many (or any) established code bases were purely Windows-based. To be honest, Windows does not totally have a good reputation for reliably running servers.

You haven't indicated whether you have taken up my suggestion to get up to speed with coding on something simpler than a MUD server. I know you are keen to get started, and that is great, but without some background knowledge of simpler programming projects you are going to find making modifications a struggle. Online coding is generally "non-linear", which is a side-effect of the fact that you are dealing with lots of players, and often have to defer making decisions about things until a later time.

You mention you are having problems compiling DBSC2.5.2 and DBSC2.5, without saying what those problems are, and trying to modify SmaugFUSS1.9 but are having unspecified problems.

I suggest concentrating on a single codebase, and then, if you have problems post the exact nature of the problem.

Many of those code bases have their own forums (including SmaugFUSS) and you may get more detailed answers to your problems if you post there. However I suggest you post a detailed problem report, not "I am having problems" which is so vague it is almost impossible to help.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Jaquio   USA  (10 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #4 on Thu 25 Sep 2008 07:27 AM (UTC)
You know the problem with the DBSC2.5.2 that whole alliance thing. I can program in C/C++ just don't know a lot about what is in a mud, I've made Battle.NET Bots in C/C++ but never anything quite like this. Modifying the SmaugFUSS codebase is a pain because I am going to have to remake all the skills,classes and races as well as change around A LOT of stuff. I was hoping to get a Codebase already geared toward a DB/Z/GT mud so that it wouldn't require a complete makeover.

The DBSC2.5 code won't compile something about an error in act_move.c with an lvalue. Don't really want to get into it, because there is a 2.5.2 codebase of it out and probably better but just that whole alliance issue. I was told that DBNA 1.7 was a decent codebase to use so that is why I was looking for it. What I mean't by windows-based is that it wouldn't compile under linux but does so under windows(tested it) so therefore I would have to go through and change the code just for it to compile under linux.

I just want something that compiles and runs fine right off the bat, that I can edit and change so that I put a unique twist on it. I am not trying to be a pain in the rump nor get on anyones nerves with my posts just if I cannot get DBSC2.5.2 to run alright I am trying to find a better base with the above qualities.
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Posted by Zeno   USA  (2,871 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #5 on Thu 25 Sep 2008 05:14 PM (UTC)
Stock Smaug/Circle/Rom (including DBSC which is based off stock Smaug) are not the best choices. They are full of exploits and bugs.

SmaugFUSS is a fixed up Smaug base and I would recommend it.

It may not be DBZ themed, but I have more respect for people who start off with a general codebase and completely changes the theme of it. It helps reduce the number of clones out there.

Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy
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Posted by Jaquio   USA  (10 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #6 on Fri 26 Sep 2008 05:09 AM (UTC)
That is the thing, I do not have the complete know-how to completely change the SmaugFUSS(1.9) codebase. But I have it up and running and I am currently looking through each file to see what they all do. The DBSaga codebase I was going to just use it and make the area files from scratch as well as edit the class/skills/races up a lot. But I guess I can do that here once I get everything DBZ Themed, which files should I tackle first in changing it towards a DBZ Themed mud?
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Posted by Zeno   USA  (2,871 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #7 on Fri 26 Sep 2008 03:20 PM (UTC)
That depends on what you want to change first.

The combat system? fight.c

Skills? skills.c

It all depends. If you want to say change experience to powerlevel, search (grep) for related terms in the source to find where they are.

Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy
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Posted by Jaquio   USA  (10 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #8 on Sat 27 Sep 2008 05:02 AM (UTC)
Okay, I am working on it now. So this is about the best way to go for me? So I can try and make EVERYTHING unique? I guess if I have any problems I can just come here for help?
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Posted by Zeno   USA  (2,871 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #9 on Sat 27 Sep 2008 05:14 AM (UTC)
It all depends, there are plenty of places to go to ask for help. :)

If you encounter an issue with FUSS, better off asking on the FUSS forums.

MudBytes is also a good place for resources and forums.

Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy
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