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Armor sets

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Posted by Serenity   (18 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 05 Feb 2010 12:47 PM (UTC)
Hi everyone,

since posting here has been very helpfull in the past, maybe it'll help me with my current puzzle.

Since Playing WoW, i like the idea of armor sets. For example:
Bracer of Light
Legplacets of Light
Shoulder of Light

when wearing 2 items of this set, you get +xx
when wearing 3 items of this set, you also get +yy

How would you go about to implement this?


Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Fri 05 Feb 2010 04:33 PM (UTC)
You need two main pieces of information:

- what set does an item belong to?
- which bonuses go to which items depending on how many are equipped?

For example, does every item get the same bonus when you have two, and then three items of the set equipped? Or does each item get its own special bonus depending on the number of set items equipped?

One approach is to create a list of 'item_set' structures, each with a unique name. When you save an object, add an extra field: the name of the set it belongs to (or the empty string if none). What to do next depends on what kinds of bonuses you're planning on giving under which circumstances. You could have something like a list of object vnums associated with an effect structure, or you could have a single bonus that is applied to all objects.

A tricky bit will be to be very careful to add and remove effects at exactly the right moments as equipment is equipped and removed. When removing equipment, you need to make sure that you go remove all relevant effects from all other set objects. This means that you need to make sure you distinguish between 'set bonus' effects and effects that are normally on the object.

(As a random note, item sets are an older concept than WoW.)

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

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