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➜ Posting to variables with different names
Posting to variables with different names
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Posted by
| Tiopon
USA (71 posts) Bio
| Wed 17 Mar 2010 05:21 AM (UTC) Amended on Wed 17 Mar 2010 05:22 AM (UTC) by Tiopon
| I'm trying to have it posting variables based on which level the job is at. I'm wanting it to post to work_table[JobNumber].minpay[1-9] or whatever level it is. Here's the trigger I'm running... it turns itself off and disables the other job parsing trigger. That part works... the issue is that it isn't setting on the right name, it's setting as work_table[JobNumber].minname and work_table[JobNumber].maxname...
match="^You earn \$([0-9]*)\.$"
<send>table.foreach (work_table, function (k, v)
if ( == GetVariable ("Current_Job")) then JobNumber = k
end -- if
end -- function
EnableTrigger ("job_line", false)
EnableTrigger ("job_stopper", false)
local minname = "minpay" .. work_table[JobNumber].level
local maxname = "maxpay" .. work_table[JobNumber].level
if (not work_table[JobNumber].minname or work_table[JobNumber].minname > %1) then
work_table[JobNumber].minname = %1
if (not work_table[JobNumber].maxname or work_table[JobNumber].maxname < %1) then
work_table[JobNumber].maxname = %1
SetVariable ("work_table", ('work_table'))
The actual text is something like
Quote: You earn $73. | Top |
Posted by
| Larkin
(278 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 17 Mar 2010 01:28 PM (UTC) |
| The syntax is equivalent to t["name"], so to use the contents of a variable as a field/key, you need to use the square brackets (and no quotes).
work_table[JobNumber][maxname] = %1
| Top |
Posted by
| Tiopon
USA (71 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 17 Mar 2010 01:55 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 17 Mar 2010 02:55 PM (UTC) by Tiopon
| Beautiful, thanks. Will test that right now... Didn't see anything easily listed that said that Table[Value1][Value2] was equivalent to Table.Value1.Value2 (if I'm understanding properly).
Or are they not equivalent, meaning that the whole table needs to be converted to the new system? :) This is why coding the week of DST is a bad idea... My brain doesn't work as well as I'd like.
Does seem to have worked. Would probably be good to list those as equivalent somewhere in the table helps, especially important when dealing with variables... though it might be there and I just failed to recognize it. | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Wed 17 Mar 2010 04:16 PM (UTC) |
Tiopon said: Beautiful, thanks. Will test that right now... Didn't see anything easily listed that said that Table[Value1][Value2] was equivalent to Table.Value1.Value2 (if I'm understanding properly).
It's not. Table["A"] == Table.A != Table[A]. The difference is that .A is simply shorthand for ["A"]. When you use [A], though, you're actually using the value of a variable somewhere for that key. So if level = 10, table.level would get the value at the "level" key, but table[level] would get the value at the 10 key. Does that make sense? |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Tiopon
USA (71 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Wed 17 Mar 2010 06:20 PM (UTC) |
| Quite. I should have said that Table["Value1"]["Value2"] == Table.Value1.Value2 instead of skipping those quotations. :) It does matter... Heh. | Top |
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