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➜ Connect message on new session
Connect message on new session
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Posted by
| Tiopon
USA (71 posts) Bio
| Thu 18 Mar 2010 08:12 PM (UTC) |
| I was wondering about if there's a way to remove the new session connect message... It was a shock moving from Registered to Free years back and having the message come back, which actually made me go back to using 3.85 as my core, though I've updated bits around it (the lua files, etc).
Basically, I'm wondering if there's a way to make MUSHclient not display the
Welcome to MUSHclient version 4.51!
Written by Nick Gammon.
Compiled: Mar 13 2010.
Using: Lua 5.1.1, PCRE 8.01, PNG 1.4.0, SQLite3 3.6.22, Zlib 1.2.3
For information and assistance about MUSHclient visit our forum at: as I already know where the forums are at... it'd be useful to check on these bits (what the current version is using) on command, or in Help->About... but seeing the forum message brings me back to
Quote:Thank you for evaluating MUSHclient version 3.50!
----> This is an UNREGISTERED copy <----
To purchase your registration please visit:
For information and assistance about MUSHclient visit our forum at:
This message does not appear once you have registered.
(The above links can be found under the Help menu) and makes me desperately want to kill it with the knowledge I was a good user and actually paid, nevermind that it's free now. :) | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Thu 18 Mar 2010 08:50 PM (UTC) |
| Well, considering it is free it is just a small plug for the author. :-)
However you *can* get rid of it.
Assuming that you have Lua as your scripting language, and "/" as the scripting prefix (defined in the Scripting tab), just go to Scripting->Scripts and put:
in the box World Events -> Open.
That will get rid of it.
The message does *not* occur when you connect, but when the world file is opened. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Tiopon
USA (71 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Thu 18 Mar 2010 09:14 PM (UTC) |
| Thanks. :) I love the program, and as I said I did register it back when it was Shareware. Seeing it pop something up when the world loads just terrifies me as a matter of memory. :) | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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