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 Entire forum ➜ SMAUG ➜ Compiling the server ➜ Ubuntu 10.04

Ubuntu 10.04

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Posted by Telestrial   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 24 May 2010 04:54 AM (UTC)
Hey..don't know much about this whole process, but I wanted to poke around and experiment with coding with the swr codebase. Grabbed swrfuss, untar'd, and:

blah@laptop:~/Desktop/swrfuss/src$ make -i
make -s swreality
Compiling o/imc.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
imc.c: In function ‘imc_recv_broadcast’:
imc.c:1929: error: the address of ‘sender’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imc_recv_isalive’:
imc.c:2524: error: the address of ‘url’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:2530: error: the address of ‘version’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:2536: error: the address of ‘netname’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:2548: error: the address of ‘host’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:2554: error: the address of ‘iport’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imc_recv_iceupdate’:
imc.c:2631: error: the address of ‘chan’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imc_process_authentication’:
imc.c:3111: error: the address of ‘rname’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:3124: error: the address of ‘pw’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:3167: error: the address of ‘md5’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcsetup’:
imc.c:5326: error: the address of ‘imccmd’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:5326: error: the address of ‘chan’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:5394: error: the address of ‘arg1’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcfinger’:
imc.c:5948: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcconfig’:
imc.c:6305: error: the address of ‘arg1’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcignore’:
imc.c:6576: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcban’:
imc.c:6644: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imc_deny_channel’:
imc.c:6703: error: the address of ‘vic_name’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcpermset’:
imc.c:6819: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imcremoteadmin’:
imc.c:6976: error: the address of ‘server’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:6976: error: the address of ‘cmd’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imccedit’:
imc.c:7129: error: the address of ‘name’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:7129: error: the address of ‘option’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imchedit’:
imc.c:7346: error: the address of ‘name’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:7346: error: the address of ‘cmd’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c: In function ‘imc_send_social’:
imc.c:7820: error: the address of ‘socbuf’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:7827: error: the address of ‘socbuf’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
imc.c:7834: error: the address of ‘socbuf’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
Compiling o/act_comm.o....
Compiling o/act_info.o....
Compiling o/act_move.o....
Compiling o/act_obj.o....
Compiling o/act_wiz.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
act_wiz.c: In function ‘do_invis’:
act_wiz.c:3392: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
act_wiz.c: In function ‘do_bestow’:
act_wiz.c:4054: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
act_wiz.c:4074: error: the address of ‘cmd_tmp’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
Compiling o/boards.o....
Compiling o/bounty.o....
Compiling o/build.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
build.c: In function ‘copy_buffer’:
build.c:736: error: the address of ‘tmp’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c: In function ‘do_mset’:
build.c:1712: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:1762: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c: In function ‘do_oset’:
build.c:3220: error: the address of ‘arg2’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:3339: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:3409: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c: In function ‘do_redit’:
build.c:4332: error: the address of ‘arg2’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:4353: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:4423: error: the address of ‘arg3’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:4459: error: the address of ‘arg2’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:4528: error: the address of ‘arg2’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
build.c:4557: error: the address of ‘arg2’ will always evaluate as ‘true’

Posted by Telestrial   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 24 May 2010 04:55 AM (UTC)
Compiling o/clans.o....
Compiling o/color.o....
Compiling o/comm.o....
Compiling o/comments.o....
Compiling o/const.o....
Compiling o/db.o....
Compiling o/fight.o....
Compiling o/handler.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
handler.c: In function ‘get_curr_dex’:
handler.c:362: error: ‘max’ is used uninitialized in this function
handler.c: In function ‘get_curr_con’:
handler.c:377: error: ‘max’ is used uninitialized in this function
handler.c: In function ‘get_curr_cha’:
handler.c:390: error: ‘max’ is used uninitialized in this function
Compiling o/hashstr.o....
Compiling o/hotboot.o....
Compiling o/interp.o....
Compiling o/magic.o....
Compiling o/makeobjs.o....
Compiling o/mccp.o....
Compiling o/md5.o....
Compiling o/misc.o....
Compiling o/mud_comm.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
mud_comm.c: In function ‘do_mpinvis’:
mud_comm.c:723: error: the address of ‘arg’ will always evaluate as ‘true’
Compiling o/mud_prog.o....
Compiling o/player.o....
Compiling o/reset.o....
Compiling o/save.o....
Compiling o/shops.o....
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
shops.c: In function ‘get_cost’:
shops.c:146: error: ‘cost’ may be used uninitialized in this function
Compiling o/skills.o....
Compiling o/space.o....
Compiling o/special.o....
Compiling o/swskills.o....
Compiling o/tables.o....
Compiling o/track.o....
Compiling o/update.o....
gcc: o/imc.o: No such file or directory
gcc: o/act_wiz.o: No such file or directory
gcc: o/build.o: No such file or directory
gcc: o/handler.o: No such file or directory
gcc: o/mud_comm.o: No such file or directory
gcc: o/shops.o: No such file or directory
Done compiling mud.

What is going wrong here? I deeply apologize that I have no fucking clue what I'm doing. I want to learn. I'm just running stock ubuntu 10.04.


Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 24 May 2010 06:14 AM (UTC)
The newer Linux distributions have stricter compilers than before, treating more things as errors. Your makefile should contain '-Werr' somewhere: remove that to stop treating warnings as errors. Also, it would be useful to report this to the SWRFUSS maintainers at

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Nick Cash   USA  (626 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Sun 30 May 2010 04:18 AM (UTC)
Doing as David said should allow you to compile and get an executable. If you are messing around and learning I would suggest disabling IMC altogether, as it isn't something you are likely going to use. You can disable it by commenting out the IMC line in the Makefilee.

~Nick Cash

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