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➜ Best font for getting 4 non-overlapping terminal windows on my monitor?
Best font for getting 4 non-overlapping terminal windows on my monitor?
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Posted by
| Philip Mak
USA (35 posts) Bio
| Mon 22 Apr 2002 03:06 AM (UTC) |
| I have a 19" monitor (running Windows XP). I want to be able to have four non-overlapping terminal windows on my monitor simultaneously. (A terminal window is 24 lines high, 80 characters wide, uses a monospace font, and has a scrollbar.)
Has anyone done something similar? I'm wondering what the best font name, font size and screen resolution to use for this is. I want something that fits in the available space, but is also large enough to read comfortably for long periods of time.
Right now I'm using vt100 (a font that comes with SecureCRT,I think) 10pt at 1152x864, which is comfortable enough to look at, but two windows overlap at their right/left edges so it's slightly too big. | Top |
Posted by
| Dave
Australia (93 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Mon 22 Apr 2002 06:29 AM (UTC) |
| 19" ?! I use 1600x1200 on a 19" (I'm on a 15" at 1024x768 at the moment though :/) | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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