Okay, the crashes have still been happening.
Auto World Login at Startup has been turned off
I still have autolog turned on (incase that is an issue)
With the below error message:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: MUSHclient.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4f022d0a
Fault Module Name: MUSHclient.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4f022d0a
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0005504d
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: f2e0
Additional Information 2: f2e0538414a1a64cd792a0c0c11b374a
Additional Information 3: 85cb
Additional Information 4: 85cb3e32f249ce7ef70480cc79e53d12
Read our privacy statement online:
If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:
The Debug("summary") is:
-------------- MUSHclient summary --------------
MUSHclient version: 4.81
Compiled: Jan 3 2012.
Time now: Monday, January 16, 2012, 4:25 PM
Client running for: 0d 00h 00m 22s
World opened for: 0d 00h 00m 21s
Operating system: Windows 7
Libraries: Lua 5.1.4, PCRE 8.21, PNG 1.5.7, SQLite3 3.7.9, Zlib 1.2.5
World name: 'HM.Jazz', ID: d2cde7acbb92e825f33ae807
-- Scripting --
Script language: Lua, enabled: yes
Scripting active: yes
Lua sandbox is 125 characters, DLL loading allowed: yes
Scripting prefix: ''. External editor in use: NO.
Scripting for: 0.000369 seconds.
-- Triggers, aliases, timers, variables --
** Triggers: 9 in world file, triggers enabled: yes. [Triggers]
9 enabled, 9 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Aliases: 0 in world file, aliases enabled: yes.
0 enabled, 0 regexp, 0 attempts, 0 matched, 0.000000 seconds.
** Timers: 0 in world file, timers enabled: yes.
0 enabled, 0 fired.
Timers checked every 0.1 seconds.
** Variables: 0.
-- MCCP --
MCCP not active.
-- Plugins (Processing order) --
** Plugins: 0 loaded, 0 enabled.
-- Comms --
Connect phase: 0 (Closed). NAWS wanted: yes
Received: 0 bytes (0 Kb)
Sent: 0 bytes (0 Kb)
Received 0 packets, sent 0 packets.
Total lines received: 46
This connection: Sent 0 lines, received 46 lines.
Telnet (IAC) received: DO: 0, DONT: 0, WILL: 0, WONT: 0, SB: 0
-- MXP --
MXP active: NO, Pueblo mode: NO, Activated: On command
MXP tags received: 0
MXP entities received: 0
MXP errors: 0
-- Commands --
Commands in command history: 0
Speed walking enabled: NO. Speed walking prefix: #
Command stacking enabled: NO. Command stack character: ';'
Accelerators defined: 0
-- Miniwindows --
** Miniwindows: 0 loaded, 0 shown.
-- Output window --
Output pixels: width 1659, height: 837, font width: 11, font height: 20
can show 150 characters, wrapping at column 150, height 41 lines.
Output buffer: 64 of 500000 lines.
-- Miscellaneous --
Logging: NO, tracing: NO
** SQLite3 databases: 0
Sound buffers in use: 0
---------------------- End summary ----------------------
Incase, here is a list of my triggers:
------ Trigger List (evaluation order) ------
1. Regexp, Enabled : IncomingPages ^(From afar,|.* pages(?=:)|\(To: .*\))
2. Regexp, Enabled : OutgoingPages ^(Long distance to .*(?=:)|You paged .[^']* with(?= '*))
3. Regexp, Enabled : DoubleQuotes (\B)(\".[^"]*\")(\B)
4. Regexp, Enabled : SingleQuotes (\B)(\'.[^']*\')(\B)
5. Regexp, Enabled : CotC \b(Name1|Name2|Name3|Name4|Name5|Name6||Name7|Name8|Name9|Name10|Name11|Name12)('s){0,1}\b
6. Regexp, Enabled : Self \b(MyName1|MyName2|MyName3|MyName4|MyName5)('s){0,1}(?=\b)
7. Regexp, Enabled : TalonsofCorvus \b(Name1|Name2|Name3|Name4|Name5|Name6|Name7|Name8|Name9|Name10|Name11)('s){0,1}\b
8. Regexp, Enabled : BBoards ^<+bb> New message .*
9. Regexp, Enabled : Mail ^Mail: .*
9 triggers.