In magnum's case that would be say 1780 extra bytes in the file, just to add <trigger> or whatever you use to all 178 triggers he uses. So... multiply his by say 50 just to be on the safe side and you get a 1.9MB file. And 50 times may be conservative, since you need markers for:
triggers> name=, match=, color to change/match, flags, send, label, script
Alias> name=, match=, flags, send, label, script
All the world settings, etc.
All of them 'have' to be user readable for there to be any point to using XML. I don't know how big the file would actually need to be, but it will definitely not be under 1M if the user has anything close to as many aliases and triggers as us heavy hitters use.
Strangely enough, my testing doesn't totally bear that out.
Taking Magnum's file, which he kindly supplied me, that has 178 triggers, 256 aliases, 2 timers, and 117 variables, the file size has gone up from:
38 Kb (original format) to
89 Kb (XML format)
This is just over double, and a long way off reaching 1 Mb.
As for 10 Mb, that would be pushing it. :)
I think the reason is partly that the new format, whilst wordier in some respects, actually saves space in others. For example, I am not saving options that are zero or empty strings, thus taking zero space which in the old format would have taken at least a byte or four.
The message seems to be that the new format will not be unduly bloated, which is nice. |