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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Tic Timer
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Posted by
| Xeyport
(1 post) Bio
| Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:28 AM (UTC) |
| Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out on how to set up a timer that will trigger in the game i play to send a message every one example group tell 10 seconds till tic...which means its going to tik in 10 seconds to mem your spells/etc | Top |
Posted by
| Septe
USA (9 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Fri 31 Jan 2014 04:33 PM (UTC) |
| I searched the forum and here's some possible answers to your question. is one. is another. I, myself am brand new at MUSHclient. The mud I use doesn't have any indicators of the tick. So what I'd have to do is cast a spell (short one), start the timer, trigger on the spell dropping and then dividing the time by the number of hours the spell is up for. I don't know what mud you're playing but that's something you'll have to find out or indicate on here. If there's a tick timer indicator on your mud, that's what you'd use.
If you still need help, please give more information as to what you need, such as the mud you're playing, tick trigger, if any, and maybe someone who's more competent than I am can help you. I'm still learning a new client after moving from zmud/cmud.
Hope this helps. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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