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➜ SMAUG coding
➜ Segfault in learn_from_success and learn_from_failure
Segfault in learn_from_success and learn_from_failure
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Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Fri 27 Jun 2014 06:53 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 27 Jun 2014 06:58 AM (UTC) by Robert Powell
| I am not sure what is happening here: Namely why adept is in the millions when it should be 95 at most.
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000005d8ace in learn_from_success (ch=0xc426a0, sn=-1) at skills.c:1835
1835 adept = GET_ADEPT( ch, sn );
(gdb) list
1833 if( IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->pcdata->learned[sn] <= 0 )
1834 return;
1835 adept = GET_ADEPT( ch, sn );
1836 sklvl = skill_table[sn]->skill_level[ch->Class];
1837 if( sklvl == 0 )
1838 sklvl = ch->level;
1839 if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] < adept )
(gdb) print adept
$19 = 178727773
(gdb) print ch
$20 = (CHAR_DATA *) 0xc426a0
(gdb) print sn
$21 = -1
(gdb) print sklvl
$22 = 32
(gdb) print ch->level
$23 = 65
(gdb) print ch->pcdata->learned[sn]
$24 = 75
void learn_from_success( CHAR_DATA * ch, int sn )
int adept, gain, sklvl, learn, percent, schance;
if( IS_NPC( ch ) || ch->pcdata->learned[sn] <= 0 )
adept = GET_ADEPT( ch, sn );
sklvl = skill_table[sn]->skill_level[ch->Class];
if( sklvl == 0 )
sklvl = ch->level;
if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] < adept )
schance = ch->pcdata->learned[sn] + ( 5 * skill_table[sn]->difficulty );
percent = number_percent( );
if( percent >= schance )
learn = 2;
else if( schance - percent > 25 )
learn = 1;
ch->pcdata->learned[sn] = UMIN( adept, ch->pcdata->learned[sn] + learn );
if( ch->pcdata->learned[sn] == adept ) /* fully learned! */
gain = 1000 * sklvl;
set_char_color( AT_WHITE, ch );
ch_printf( ch, "You are now an adept of %s! You gain %d bonus experience!\r\n", skill_table[sn]->name, gain );
gain = 100 * sklvl;
if( !ch->fighting && sn != gsn_hide && sn != gsn_sneak )
set_char_color( AT_WHITE, ch );
ch_printf( ch, "You gain %d experience points from your success!\r\n", gain );
gain_exp( ch, gain );
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
Posted by
| Meerclar
USA (733 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Fri 27 Jun 2014 02:52 PM (UTC) |
| I'm not seeing anything there that should be causing any issues. My best guess would be you're getting a bad reference from GET_ADEPT and we probably need to be looking at the code behind that call rather than this function. |
Meerclar - Lord of Cats
Coder, Builder, and Tormenter of Mortals
Stormbringer: Rebirth | Top |
Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Fri 27 Jun 2014 10:48 PM (UTC) |
Meerclar said:
I'm not seeing anything there that should be causing any issues. My best guess would be you're getting a bad reference from GET_ADEPT and we probably need to be looking at the code behind that call rather than this function.
Yeah I did a bit more digging and when i tried to print difficulty, found that its memory was unreachable. Started stepping backwards and found it all came down to a new auto defence skill I added 'Pirouette' much like dodge etc,
ASSIGN_GSN( gsn_pirouette, "pirouette" ); but spelled the skill pirouete in skills.dat :)
One typo cost me a few hours of wondering and stuffing about, now that this is sorted out, I can get back to what I was doing. |
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
Posted by
| Meerclar
USA (733 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Sat 28 Jun 2014 02:17 AM (UTC) |
| Sounds like my login script issues earlier in the week - strcmp between lowercase in the first list and uppercase in the second location. I'm sure you know how well that worked out. |
Meerclar - Lord of Cats
Coder, Builder, and Tormenter of Mortals
Stormbringer: Rebirth | Top |
Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Sat 28 Jun 2014 04:40 AM (UTC) |
Meerclar said:
Sounds like my login script issues earlier in the week - strcmp between lowercase in the first list and uppercase in the second location. I'm sure you know how well that worked out.
I bet it worked out dismally and took you hours of debugging to work out why it was all wrong :) |
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
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