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➜ problem with regexp and catching string
problem with regexp and catching string
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Posted by
| Mahony
(27 posts) Bio
| Tue 07 Jun 2016 07:45 AM (UTC) Amended on Tue 07 Jun 2016 07:53 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Hi
I'm trying to catch name from this command and output:
swho 11 20 60
[ 26 Eldar P+3] [ 819 ] Mahony (^\Rhabdo/^)
[ 61 Diva T+5] [ 708 ] *AFK* Trachx <(=Watchmen=)>
[ 54 Eldar M+5] [ 222 ] [Advisor] Nienna [C]
[ 54 Eldar M+5] [ 221 ] *AFK* [Advisor] Xyz [C]
[ 22 Giant W+7] [ 4 ] (HARDCORE) Nightbird /|\Druid/|\
[ 25 Vamp H+2] [ 3 ] (Linkdead) Izabella
I want to catch the number of gqs (so the %1) and the name. The name position varies depending on the *AFK*, Helper and so on before the name. So it could be %2 or %3 or even %4. I catch only %2 and %3. It is enough for me. But I have problems with it.
The trigger regexp is like this:
match="^\[.{15}\] \[\s+(\d+)\s+\] (.*?) (.*?)"
[ 26 Eldar P+3] [ 819 ] Mahony (^\Rhabdo/^)
%2 is Mahony
%3 is
[ 51 Vamp P+6] [ 576 ] *AFK* Zetkax
%2 is *AFK*
%3 is
[ 54 Eldar M+5] [ 222 ] [Advisor] Nienna [C]
%2 is [Advisor]
%3 is
Why is the %3 empty? I would expect the rest of the line behind the %2 to be in %3.
What somehow works for me is this match:
match="^\[.{15}\] \[\s+(\d+)\s+\] (.*) (.*)"
[ 26 Eldar P+3] [ 819 ] Mahony (^\Rhabdo/^)
%2 is Mahony
%3 is (^\Rhabdo/^)
[ 61 Diva T+5] [ 708 ] *AFK* Trachx <(=Watchmen=)>
%2 is *AFK* Trachx
%3 is <(=Watchmen=)>
But it is not 100% what I want.
What exactly I want to achieve is this:
[ 61 Diva T+5] [ 708 ] *AFK* Trachx <(=Watchmen=)>
%2 is *AFK*
%3 is Trachx
What do I do wrong?
Formatting fixed, code tags added, forum codes escaped. | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #1 on Tue 07 Jun 2016 08:00 AM (UTC) |
| In a regex pattern [...] means "anything in this set of symbols". [abc] will match either an a, b, or c. [abc]+ will match a, b, c, aa, ab, ac, ba, bb, bc, and so on. If you want to match the [ ] symbols themselves, you need to backslash escape them in the pattern. | | Top |
Posted by
| Mahony
(27 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 07 Jun 2016 11:16 AM (UTC) |
| Oh crap. The copy/paste didn't work correctly and I didn't notice.
the match is
match="^\[.{15}\] \[\s+(\d+)\s+\] (.*) (.*)"
I see the problem in the end of the match in the (.*) (.*)"
sorry | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #3 on Tue 07 Jun 2016 01:02 PM (UTC) |
| Try this:
^.{20}\s*(\d+)\s\]\s([\*\[\(].+[\*\]\)] )*(\w+)
It should catch the number in %1 and the name in %3 | | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #4 on Tue 07 Jun 2016 08:06 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 07 Jun 2016 08:10 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Here's another way of doing it:
^\[.{15}\] \[\s+(\d+)\s+\](.*?)(?= \w) (\w+)
That starts the same as your original one. Then we have:
(.*?) --> skip any characters, non greedily
(?= \w) --> assert (without consuming characters) that we have a space followed by a letter
(\w+) --> match the space and capture the name
The lookahead assertion is the important part. The first .*? keeps matching until the assertion is true. That skips words that do not start alone (eg. skips *AFK* / [Advisor] / (Linkdead) ).
Output from your test data:
swho 11 20 60
[ 26 Eldar P+3] [ 819 ] Mahony (^Rhabdo/^)
%1 = 819
%2 =
%3 = Mahony
[ 61 Diva T+5] [ 708 ] *AFK* Trachx <(=Watchmen=)>
%1 = 708
%2 = *AFK*
%3 = Trachx
[ 54 Eldar M+5] [ 222 ] [Advisor] Nienna [C]
%1 = 222
%2 = [Advisor]
%3 = Nienna
[ 54 Eldar M+5] [ 221 ] *AFK* [Advisor] Xyz [C]
%1 = 221
%2 = *AFK* [Advisor]
%3 = Xyz
[ 22 Giant W+7] [ 4 ] (HARDCORE) Nightbird /|ruid/|
%1 = 4
%3 = Nightbird
[ 25 Vamp H+2] [ 3 ] (Linkdead) Izabella
%1 = 3
%2 = (Linkdead)
%3 = Izabella
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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