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➜ Targeting system for a ROM MUD
Targeting system for a ROM MUD
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Posted by
| BishopOsiris
USA (55 posts) Bio
| Wed 16 Nov 2016 08:53 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 16 Nov 2016 09:47 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| I had a targeting system on another client that I really liked and I want to duplicate it here since I'm going to be using MUSHClient exclusively now. This is what the output of the MUD looked like:
{T3 AM|714-HP|342-M|330-MV|wilderness|outdoor|(77.22%)}% whe
People near you:
1: (PK) Graingt A Rubble-Strewn Path in the Mountains
2: (PK) Jrhurg Upon a Long, Circular Road
Eurantic Upon a Long, Circular Road
3: (PK) Drahka Upon a Long, Circular Road
{T3 AM|714-HP|342-M|330-MV|wilderness|outdoor|(77.22%)}% s
The Headwaters of Voralia's Tears
[Exits: north south]
{T3 AM|714-HP|342-M|324-MV|wilderness|outdoor|(77.22%)}% t3
@TARGET = Drahka
lt = look | ft = follow | tt = trip | dt = dirt | mt = murder | ht = hit
hat = hamstring | at = artery |
F1 = dirt | F2 = trip | F3 = bash |
F4 = pugil | F5 = leverage | F6 = misdirect | F7 = crescent
So I could type "where" and see everyone in my PK range. In this example I was 1, Jrhurg was 2, and Drahka was 3. I could type "t3" and Drahka would be set as my target. Then I had aliases set for lt = look target, tt = trip target, so and so forth. If I fought Drahka and killed her I could immediately type "t2" and Jrhurg would be my new target UNLESS I had typed where since the last time and the target numbers had changed. I've just started playing this same MUD again after a 7 year hiatus and I've never used this client before. Can someone walk me through this step-by-step? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Wed 16 Nov 2016 09:46 PM (UTC) |
| Try to do a bit yourself first. This FAQ gives you some ideas about capturing multiples lines:
"People near you: " would be a good starting point for the capture.
For each line you can save the name in a table. Then t2 could get it to set the target to the second person in that table. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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