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➜ Channel alias?
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Posted by
| Wolfwoman
(13 posts) Bio
| Fri 05 Jul 2002 09:05 PM (UTC) |
| Our game uses channels by typing: "+com public = (message here)"
Is there any way to make an alias so that all I have to type is "public (message)" and have it out put the correct sequence to post the message to the channel? | Top |
Posted by
| Magnum
Canada (580 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Sat 06 Jul 2002 04:35 AM (UTC) |
| Very easy. Use the pulldown menu's along the top, and select:
Game | Configure | Aliases
Click the "Aliases" icon.
Click "Add" button.
Fill in the appropriate information:
Alias: public (*)
Send: +com public = (%1)
The "Enabled" checkbox should be checked, and if you want, you can check the "Ignore Case" box too, so if you type "Public (don't go over there!)" it will still work.
The * in the alias field represents "wildcard", which means anything can be there, and the %1 in the send box means to put the information captured with wildcard 1 there. (You can have up to 10 wildcards). |
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Magnum. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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