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 Entire forum ➜ Area Editor ➜ General ➜ 1.9 Smaug Fuss Reset area issues

1.9 Smaug Fuss Reset area issues

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Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Sat 20 Feb 2021 03:24 PM (UTC)
Hello everyone!

I am an old mud addict looking to crank up a version of
my own. I have some programming skills but not much. As far
as area creating I used to do it for a few years back in the day. Anyways enough about me. The problem:

I recently installed 1.9 fuss along with exe files. Successfully installed, Wizzed myself, setting up a few things custom, removed all default areas to start my own world.

So far so good..

Loaded Area editor latest version from this site, Built a starting academy for newbies, then the proper City to expand my world a little greater. So far about 100 rooms done in total. Then I placed these 2 .are's in the /area folder loaded them into the game successfully.

Still good so far..

So I do a test run by clearing npcs, killing and looting, awaiting for reset of mobiles and items and it NEVER happens. set it to 5 mins, 3 mins,.. See the actualy RESET MSG and still no reset..
Try to force Reset with RESET AREA CMD and still no respawn of mobiles.

Can anyone tell me what i must do, if i cannot make resets work i will have to give up and not waste time creating more.

I believe AREA EDITOR creating areas has an issue with transferring its resets into the mud. But I also tried immcommands in game such as,

reset add mob 11001 11101 (example) and this seems to not
be a function. So I cannot create Resets in-game anymore?
If not and Area Editor resets are broke, what next?

Great thanks to all!

P.S Also I tried to overwrite the resets in-game by using aassign to myself, Instazone area.are and what it does is
cause some sort of duplication? I get like double spawns so i had to not try that method either :/

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sun 21 Feb 2021 05:05 AM (UTC)
Which SmaugFUSS did you install exactly? Can you give a link to the download?

The Area Editor was last updated in 2004 and may well not be totally compatible with the current SmaugFUSS.

As I recall, each "reset" entry puts a mob (or object etc.) into a specific room, when the repop time is up (eg. every 5 minutes) if it isn't there already.

Without seeing more details, it is hard to say what the issue is. Perhaps you don't have the latest SmaugFUSS source.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Sun 21 Feb 2021 06:53 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the quick response! :)

I will display download links (from this site) below
I also want to mention that resets are set which seem to
be good in Area Editor itself. But nothing resets in the game when I check things. If I aassign the area to myself in game and look at reset list, I see the resets are in there but fail to respawn things?

I hope it can be solved, I have much areas to build if the respawns work, thats all thats holding me back.

I am curious why I cant add resets on the mud though?
The command "reset add mob vnum vnum 1" doesnt work..


Heres an example of a room i'll copy from notepad++

Vnum 11139
Name Bloody Battle Cage~
Sector inside~
Direction south~
ToRoom 11131
Desc Exit description~

Reset M 0 11115 1 11139
Reset M 0 11115 1 11139

Could I break the game by removing old default areas? I did remove newdark.are and other minor areas, I kept newgate.are, gods.are, help.are, limbo.are though..

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Sun 21 Feb 2021 07:01 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 21 Feb 2021 07:06 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon


OK, the files on my site are like 100 years old. :)

Get the latest SmaugFUSS from here:

This may or may not fix the problem, but at least you will have the latest version with bug fixes from years ago in it.

If you are using Windows you can compile in Cygwin:

It’s pretty straightforward to set that up.

Linux and Mac come with compilers as part of the package, or in the case of Mac you can install them for free.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Sun 21 Feb 2021 07:51 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 21 Feb 2021 03:51 PM (UTC) by Zedethar

On that site mentioned, is there a way to download all files at once? If not i am downloading one at a time and is taking quite a bit. I suppose i'll have to figure out Cygwin too. Much more complications i believe :)


Ok I found the way to download all of the files in a zip.

Also I found this link to a smaugfuss194 version,..
is this better?

At the moment I am trying to run the makefiles with Cygwin
but seems to not be working. I can get to the makefile directory. But when I run with MAKE it says alot of errors about command not found.

I believe my CYGWIN isnt fully installed with proper items. I am trying to install all DEVEL related and GCC as well.

I noticed its not just my areas I make with Area Editor, looks like All areas do not respawn..

In my SRC folder I edited Makefile and removed # to uncomment the CYGWIN.

When I type make in the SRC folder it starts with errors like below:

$ make
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
make -s smaug
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
Compiling o/imc.o....
In file included from mud.h:398,
from imc.c:59:
imc.c: In function ‘void imc_addname(char**, const char*)’:
imc.h:135:21: error: ‘strdup’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘str_dup’?
135 | #define IMCSTRALLOC strdup
| ^~~~~~
imc.c:551:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘IMCSTRALLOC’
551 | *list = IMCSTRALLOC( newlist );
| ^~~~~~~~~~~
imc.c: In function ‘void imc_removename(char**, const char*)’:
imc.h:135:21: error: ‘strdup’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘str_dup’?
135 | #define IMCSTRALLOC strdup
| ^~~~~~
imc.c:565:12: note: in expansion of macro ‘IMCSTRALLOC’
565 | *list = IMCSTRALLOC( newlist );
| ^~~~~~~~~~~
imc.c: In function ‘CHAR_DATA* imc_find_user(const char*)’:
imc.c:704:75: error: ‘strcasecmp’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘str_cmp’?
704 | if( ( vch = d->character ? d->character : d->original ) != NULL && !strcasecmp( CH_IMCNAME( vch ), name )
| ^~~~~~~~~~
| str_cmp
imc.c: In function ‘char* imcgetname(const char*)’:
imc.c:719:9: error: ‘strcasecmp’ was not declared in this scope; d

also tried
$ make clean
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Sun 21 Feb 2021 09:13 PM (UTC)
Zedethar said:

Also I found this link to a smaugfuss194 version,..
is this better?

I don't know about "better" - it looks like March 2020 so that seems OK.

Zedethar said:

At the moment I am trying to run the makefiles with Cygwin
but seems to not be working. I can get to the makefile directory. But when I run with MAKE it says alot of errors about command not found.

You normally have to add "make" and "c++" (to Cygwin) which between them should install all you need.

Zedethar said:

When I type make in the SRC folder it starts with errors like below:
Compiling o/imc.o....
In file included from mud.h:398,
from imc.c:59:
imc.c: In function ‘void imc_addname(char**, const char*)’:
imc.h:135:21: error: ‘strdup’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘str_dup’?

I think all the IMC stuff is optional, there is a line you can comment to omit that.

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
#IMC = 1

Add that comment to the IMC line as shown above. I think IMC is for inter-MUD support which you probably don't care about.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 01:49 AM (UTC)
Thank you so much for responding Nick. It made it further after commenting IMC line. Heres where it stops next. I will also show you my Makefile.

$ make
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
make -s smaug
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
Compiling o/act_comm.o....
Compiling o/act_info.o....
Compiling o/act_move.o....
Compiling o/act_obj.o....
act_obj.c: In function ‘void do_rolldie(CHAR_DATA*, const char*)’:
act_obj.c:3327:36: error: ‘strdup’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘str_dup’?
3327 | char *face_name_copy = strdup( face_name ); /* Since I want to tokenize without modifying the original string */
| ^~~~~~
| str_dup
make[1]: *** [Makefile:102: o/act_obj.o] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:46: all] Error 2

MAKEFILE -------

CC = g++
#PROF = -p

#Uncomment to compile in Cygwin

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined references to dlsym, dlopen, and dlclose.
#Comment it out if you get errors about ldl not being found.
NEED_DL = -ldl

#Some systems need this for dynamic linking to work.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS = -export-dynamic

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
#IMC = 1

W_FLAGS = -std=c++1z -Wall -Wshadow -Wformat-security -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls

#D_FLAGS : For the DNS Slave process. No need in linking all the extra libs for this.

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c ban.c boards.c \
build.c calendar.c chess.c clans.c color.c comm.c comments.c const.c db.c deity.c \
dns.c fight.c handler.c hashstr.c hint.c hotboot.c house.c imm_host.c interp.c \
liquids.c magic.c makeobjs.c mapout.c mapper.c mccp.c \
misc.c mpxset.c mssp.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c news.c planes.c player.c polymorph.c \
renumber.c reset.c save.c services.c sha256.c shops.c skills.c special.c tables.c \
track.c update.c variables.c weather.c

ifdef IMC
C_FILES := imc.c $(C_FILES)

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h)

$(MAKE) -s smaug
$(MAKE) -s dns

# pull in dependency info for *existing* .o files
-include dependencies.d

ifdef CYGWIN
smaug: $(O_FILES)
rm -f smaug.exe
dlltool --export-all --output-def smaug.def $(O_FILES)
dlltool --dllname smaug.exe --output-exp smaug.exp --def smaug.def
$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) smaug.exp $(L_FLAGS)
@echo "Generating dependency file ...";
@$(CC) -MM $(C_FLAGS) $(C_FILES) > dependencies.d
@perl -pi -e 's.^([a-z]).o/$$1.g' dependencies.d
@echo "Done compiling mud.";
chmod g+w smaug.exe
chmod a+x smaug.exe
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

@rm -f o/*.o smaug.exe dependencies.d resolver.exe resolver.o *~

smaug: $(O_FILES)
rm -f smaug
$(CC) -export-dynamic -o smaug $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
@echo "Generating dependency file ...";
@$(CC) -MM $(C_FLAGS) $(C_FILES) > dependencies.d
@perl -pi -e 's.^([a-z]).o/$$1.g' dependencies.d
@echo "Done compiling mud.";
chmod g+w smaug
chmod a+x smaug
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

@rm -f o/*.o smaug dependencies.d resolver resolver.o *~

dns: resolver.o
rm -f resolver
$(CC) $(D_FLAGS) -o resolver resolver.o
@echo "Done compiling DNS resolver.";
chmod g+w resolver
chmod a+x resolver
chmod g+w resolver.o

indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(C_FILES)
indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(H_FILES)

rm *.c~ *.h~

o/%.o: %.c
echo " Compiling $@....";
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

.c.o: mud.h
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 03:04 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 22 Feb 2021 03:07 AM (UTC) by Zedethar

When i remove -std=c++1z from this line it compiles everything. But When trying to run smaug.exe from windows it throws errors about cygwin.dll related files.

W_FLAGS = -std=c++1z -Wall -Wshadow -Wformat-security -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls

The error says cannot proceed because cygstdc++-6.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
It seems like I need to have that line in the makefile or it wont work regardless?

$ make
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
make -s smaug
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
Compiling o/act_comm.o....
Compiling o/act_info.o....
Compiling o/act_move.o....
Compiling o/act_obj.o....
Compiling o/act_wiz.o....
Compiling o/ban.o....
Compiling o/boards.o....
Compiling o/build.o....
Compiling o/calendar.o....
Compiling o/chess.o....
Compiling o/clans.o....
Compiling o/color.o....
Compiling o/comm.o....
Compiling o/comments.o....
Compiling o/const.o....
Compiling o/db.o....
Compiling o/deity.o....
Compiling o/dns.o....
Compiling o/fight.o....
Compiling o/handler.o....
Compiling o/hashstr.o....
Compiling o/hint.o....
Compiling o/hotboot.o....
Compiling o/house.o....
Compiling o/imm_host.o....
Compiling o/interp.o....
Compiling o/liquids.o....
Compiling o/magic.o....
Compiling o/makeobjs.o....
Compiling o/mapout.o....
Compiling o/mapper.o....
Compiling o/mccp.o....
Compiling o/misc.o....
Compiling o/mpxset.o....
Compiling o/mssp.o....
Compiling o/mud_comm.o....
Compiling o/mud_prog.o....
Compiling o/news.o....
Compiling o/planes.o....
Compiling o/player.o....
Compiling o/polymorph.o....
Compiling o/renumber.o....
Compiling o/reset.o....
Compiling o/save.o....
Compiling o/services.o....
Compiling o/sha256.o....
Compiling o/shops.o....
Compiling o/skills.o....
Compiling o/special.o....
Compiling o/tables.o....
Compiling o/track.o....
Compiling o/update.o....
Compiling o/variables.o....
Compiling o/weather.o....
Generating dependency file ...
Done compiling mud.
make -s dns
Makefile:105: warning: ignoring prerequisites on suffix rule definition
Done compiling DNS resolver.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 03:23 AM (UTC)
That's an execution thing. You should have that dll somewhere on your disk (part of the Cygwin install). It needs to be in the Windows path for the .exe to run.

Try copying that file into the same place that the smaug.exe file is.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #9 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 03:26 AM (UTC)
If you run smaug.exe from within the Cygwin "bash" shell it should work, I would be surprised if it doesn't.

However if you run it by double-clicking from the Windows explorer you are in a different execution state, and it probably won't know where that Cygwin dll is.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 03:57 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 22 Feb 2021 04:09 AM (UTC) by Zedethar

Ok It was successful!! Thank you SO much for being a genius Nick. I have loaded the smaug file and I am in the game. So far I am finding minor bugs, Room descriptions are invisible.. I might can fix that. Also On my immortal when I type s for south direction, it says "I dont have a home to sell" So Im guessing sellhouse cmd or whatever is overriding south? Any ideas?

Thanks again man. ALSO It fixed my reset problems...

Wow I am seeing some big changes in this version..
They changed the colors, SAY is more advanced, you have to write say (name) (msg). you cant just say a message anymore.
This broke my mobprogs that used SAY, I'll have to rewrite them to say $n Im thinking.

The Config +automap breaks the room descriptions.
I May revert back to a 1.8b and see if its workable.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #11 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 04:45 AM (UTC)

On my immortal when I type s for south direction, it says “I dont have a home to sell” So Im guessing sellhouse cmd or whatever is overriding south? Any ideas?

Quite possibly. Seems odd though. You could always alias “s” to “south” in the client.

SAY is more advanced, you have to write say (name) (msg). you cant just say a message anymore.

That seems odd too. You usually use “tell” to send a message to someone.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Zedethar   (17 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #12 on Mon 22 Feb 2021 04:51 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 22 Feb 2021 07:10 AM (UTC) by Zedethar

Once again I would just like to say thanks to you Nick. I did not give up because of your help. I fixed the South/sellhouse confliction by renaming sellhouse command to hsell.

I also tweaked say and sayto in the command list by putting say first it is now back to normal also I can still use sayto by spelling it out. Win win.

Unfortunately I am not good enough to fix the +automap breaking room descriptions. But I reverted to 1.9.3 and its fixed on that version. I might not be 1.9.4 but Its close enough.

You are a great teacher sir. Cheers

I am finding many bugs in these newer versions that I have to make a workaround for them. Most I can handle but some are deep within code.

After making deity, setdeity (deity) race -1 , doesnt work, so I cant let all races worship it. I'll have to pick 2 races per deity. -1 is supposed to make it for everyone.

Also after being mortally wounded as a mortal 0hp or less. Anything under 0 suddenly changes the hp to 488593+ (an absurd amount) but its not real. Its actually like -6 but the statbar shows as a large number. I think if i can remove the mortally wounded function it could eliminate that. Laying there stunned is a hassle anyways.

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