Example of my confusion - First line is what it spits out when doing a makefile. The rest is everywhere nickname appears in the code. I can only find it defined once. I'm pretty new to all of this, so any advice on where to go from here would be seriously appreciated. I came across something that said that linker errors could cause this, is that the case here? I'm not certain as it compiled before.
/dawn/src/alias.cpp:321: multiple definition of `do_nickname(char_data*, char*)'
obj/alias.o:/home/oblivion/dawn/src/alias.cpp:321: first defined here
/dawn/src$ grep -r "nickname"
act_info.cpp: ch->printlnf("You will see %s along with short descriptions.",HAS_PCONFIG(ch,PCONFIG_NICKNAMES)?"nicknames":"actual names");
act_info.cpp: ch->println(" config nicknames - Toggles seeing nicknames instead of actual names");
act_info.cpp: if (!str_prefix(argument,"nicknames")){
act_info.cpp: ch->printlnf("Config for nicknames toggled %s.",HAS_PCONFIG(ch,PCONFIG_NICKNAMES)?"on":"off");
alias.cpp: void do_nickname(char_data *ch, char *argument)
alias.cpp: ch->println("You have no nicknames defined.");
alias.cpp: ch->println("Your current nicknames are:");
alias.cpp: ch->println("To delete nicknames, type 'nickname delete <character's actual name>'.");
alias.cpp: ch->printlnf("Give `w%s `xwhat nickname?",capitalize(arg1));
alias.cpp: ch->printlnf("The nickname '`w%s`x' cannot be found in your list.",capitalize(arg2));
alias.cpp: //need to add check so two people can't have the same nickname
alias.cpp: ch->println("You already have someone by that nickname");
alias.cpp: ch->println("You can't give someone the nickname of an existing player.");
alias.cpp: ch->println("You cannot give anyone this nickname.");
alias.cpp: ch->printlnf("The nickname for `w%s`x has been changed to '%s'.",
alias.cpp: if (!str_cmp(arg2,ch->pcdata->nick)){ // check if the nickname is already used
alias.cpp: ch->printlnf("You are already using the nickname '`w%s`x' for `w%s`x.",
alias.cpp: ch->println("Sorry, you have reached the limit for nicknames.");
dawn.h #define PCONFIG_NICKNAMES (U)
handler.cpp: bool has_nickname(char_data *ch,char_data *looker,char *nickname);
handler.cpp: /*&& (!IS_NPC(ch) && !has_nickname(rch,ch,arg))*/)
interp.cpp: { "nickname", do_nickname, POS_DEAD, 0, LOG_NORMAL, 1, 0 },
interp.h: DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_nickname )
intro_ex.cpp: bool has_nickname(char_data *ch,char_data *looker,char *nickname)
intro_ex.cpp: char *get_nickname(char_data *looker, char_data *ch)
intro_ex.cpp: sprintf(nick,"%s",get_nickname(looker,ch));
intro_ex.cpp: || has_nickname(ch,looker,ch->current_name(looker))))){
save.cpp: ch->pcdata->nick[nickcount] = fread_string(fp); //the nickname
tables.cpp: { "nicknames", PCONFIG_NICKNAMES, true},