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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Plugin callbacks

Plugin callbacks

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Thu 29 Aug 2002 05:57 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 25 Jun 2009 09:23 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The following subroutines/functions will be called in your plugin if they are present. The names are hard-coded, and a check is made to see if such names exist when the plugin is installed. As each one starts with the characters "OnPlugin" you should not get clashes with your own routines, provided you avoid using that particular prefix when naming your own subs.

[EDIT] - Information now out of date. Instead, see:

  • OnPluginInstall ' ' Plugin has been installed ' sub OnPluginInstall end sub
  • OnPluginClose ' ' Plugin is being removed (closed) ' sub OnPluginClose end sub
  • OnPluginConnect ' ' This world has been connected (to the MUD) ' sub OnPluginConnect end sub
  • OnPluginDisconnect ' ' This world has been disconnected (from the MUD) ' sub OnPluginDisconnect end sub
  • OnPluginSaveState ' ' The plugin is saving its state ' sub OnPluginSaveState end sub
  • OnPluginEnable ' ' The plugin is being enabled ' sub OnPluginEnable end sub
  • OnPluginDisable ' ' The plugin is being disabled ' sub OnPluginDisable end sub
  • OnPluginCommand ' ' The player has typed the command 'sText' ' Return TRUE to process the command, FALSE to discard it ' Function OnPluginCommand (sText) OnPluginCommand = vbTrue ' process it End Function
  • OnPluginSend ' ' MUSHclient is sending 'sText' to the MUD ' Return TRUE to send the text, FALSE to discard it ' Function OnPluginSend (sText) OnPluginSend = vbTrue ' process it End Function
  • OnPluginLineReceived ' ' MUSHclient has received the line 'sText' ' Return TRUE to process the text, FALSE to discard it ' Function OnPluginLineReceived (sText) OnPluginLineReceived = vbTrue ' display it End Function
  • OnPluginPacketReceived ' ' MUSHclient has received the packet 'sText' ' Sub OnPluginPacketReceived (sText) End Sub

In the case of routines like OnPluginCommand, each plugin is scanned for every command entered. If any plugin returns FALSE, then that command is not processed. This gives each plugin a chance to respond to various commands, and suppress them if it wants to. Likewise for OnPluginSend and OnPluginLineReceived.

Chat system callbacks - new in version 3.37

  • OnPluginChatAccept ' MUSHclient has received a connection from IP,name ' Return TRUE to accept it, FALSE to reject it ' Function OnPluginChatAccept (sText) dim theList dim username, ip theList = split (sText, ",") ip = theList (0) username = theList (1) End Function
  • OnPluginChatMessage ' MUSHclient has received chat message: id, type, text ' Return TRUE to use the default processing, FALSE to ignore it ' ' See the Chat.xml plugin for the exact message numbers that might be received. Function OnPluginChatMessage (id, message, sText) OnPluginChatMessage = vbTrue ' process it End Function
  • OnPluginChatDisplay ' ' MUSHclient is about to display message: type, text ' Return TRUE to use the default display, FALSE to not display ' ' See the Chat.xml plugin for the exact message types that might be received. ' Function OnPluginChatDisplay (message, sText) OnPluginChatDisplay = vbTrue ' display it End Function
  • OnPluginChatNewUser ' ' A new chat user has been accepted on: id, name ' ' ' This script callback has been provided so you can take action if ' you want (such as allowing file transfers). ' sub OnPluginChatNewUser (id, name) end sub
  • OnPluginChatUserDisconnect ' This chat user has disconnected for one reason or another. ' ' This callback lets you take action (eg. notify others) however ' you cannot send messages to this connection or change any options ' once they have disconnected. The chat id is supplied so you can ' match the id to the one that connected. ' ' For each call to OnPluginChatNewUser there should eventually be a ' corresponding call to OnPluginChatUserDisconnect. ' sub OnPluginChatUserDisconnect (id, name) end sub

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sun 20 Oct 2002 02:30 AM (UTC)
There is now a pointer to this page on the COM functions listing page.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Shadowfyr   USA  (1,790 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 27 Nov 2002 10:27 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 27 Nov 2002 10:33 PM (UTC) by Shadowfyr

Just occured to me, but what good is knowing a packet or line arrived? Yes, some things can be done with it, but unless we can change the contents of them to say replace < and > with &lt and &gt when some mud admins refuse to follow specs, as someone posted about a while back, what good is it really? It would be nice to be able to test for cases where such a replacement is useful and imho makes much more sense doing it on a packet or line level 'prior' to the world getting it, than to make triggers and such do so later on. Just a thought..

Either that or a command like ' BStr Text', which would treat the sent text as though it was being recieved from the mud. Then you would just do your replacing, etc., pass the fixed bit using and use OnPluginLineRecieved vbFalse to exclude the original.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Thu 28 Nov 2002 01:57 AM (UTC)
It wasn't supposed to be fabulously useful, but in the event that you wanted to detect telnet codes, or do other low-level work, you could use that. For instance, you might detect a prompt before the newline appeared.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Shadowfyr   USA  (1,790 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Thu 28 Nov 2002 04:30 AM (UTC)
True.. But it did occure to me that being able to use it to replace the actually contents of what the client processes would make a nice power user feature. It would provide the means to do most of what is currently impossible to correct (do to lazy implimentation on muds) as well as a fairly simple means to do things like what magnum wanted and add ,s to numbers and stuff.

Doing many of these things after the line has already been run through the normal process is less than transparent at best and totally pointless to even try at the worst. Exa: the only way to correct invalid tags when a muds admin refuses to correctly use the replacements would be to use a proxy that can trade out one character of others and the odd of one doing that 'and' being able to tell when it shouldn't do it is not terribly good. It doesn't have to be stripped of ansi, since as a power user feature the assumption would be that you had better have a good idea how to deal with those things anyway to be using it. lol

Right now there realy isn't a way to add, remove or replace anything in an incoming line and this would provide a good way to do it, without having to add extra code into triggers that wouldn't be able to solve the some problems anyway. Right now you can look at a packet when recieved, but not alter the contents or ignore it. You can look at a line too, but I assume that ansi and stuff is stripped (or maybe not??) and your only option is to ignore the line. If it is really pre-process, why not a way to modify the contents? It seems a better solution to me than any of the alternatives that exist or are likely in the future.

Though.. Maybe a better choice would be:

BStr OnPluginLineRecievedEx (BStr sText, BStr aText)

where the aText one contains the ansi and you return a string (such as the modified aText) or a null string instead of vbTrue and vbFalse... That way you maintain compatibility, but provide us power users with a way to do what I am suggesting.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #5 on Thu 25 Jun 2009 09:20 PM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 25 Jun 2009 09:22 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Plugin callbacks are documented in more detail now at this page:

(This is also in the MUSHclient help file - under Contents -> General -> Scripting callbacks - plugins).

With reference to Shadowfyr's question, the callback OnPluginPacketReceived can now modify the incoming packet from version 3.59 onwards.

Also, for MXP-related plugin callbacks, see:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Fadedparadox   USA  (91 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Thu 25 Jun 2009 10:13 PM (UTC)
OnPluginPacketReceived is essential to ATCP support, for IRE MUDs.

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