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Posted by
| To4ri2n0
(2 posts) Bio
| Thu 27 Feb 2003 12:26 AM (UTC) |
| I use win98 and cygwin, I got rom24b4a to go with no probs just some simple hacking of the code but when I tried to patch olc to it I got nothing. So now I'm trying to use rom24b6olc and I can't get it to compile. Heres the output:
special.c: In function 'spec string':
special.c:1037: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
make: *** [special.o] Error1
Here is special.c 1037:
for ( cmd = 0; spec_table[cmd].function[0] != '\0'; cmd++ )
Here is the whole bunch that contains 1037:
/* OLC Inserted */
Name: spec_string
Purpose: Given a function, return the appropriate name.
Called by: <???>
char *spec_string( SPEC_FUN *fun ) /* OLC */
int cmd;
for ( cmd = 0; spec_table[cmd].function[0] != '\0'; cmd++ )
if ( fun == spec_table[cmd].function )
return spec_table[cmd].name;
return 0;
I have seen this prob posted to a number of different forums and on everyone the replys do not even try to answer the prob. So if you know what I can do to make this work PLEASE tell me. Thanks | Top |
Posted by
| Dave
Australia (93 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Mon 03 Mar 2003 07:23 AM (UTC) Amended on Mon 03 Mar 2003 07:24 AM (UTC) by Dave
| I'll take a wild stab at it:char *spec_string(SPEC_FUN *fun) /* OLC */
int cmd;
for (cmd = 0; spec_table[cmd].function[0] != '\0'; cmd++)
if (fun == spec_table[cmd].function)
return spec_table[cmd].name;
return 0;
Okay. so fun is a pointer to a SPEC_FUN, which I'm assuming isn't an array, and you compare fun to spec_table[cmd].function, so I'm assuming that .function is also a pointer to a SPEC_FUN.. so your problem would be "spec_table[cmd].function[0] != '\0'". Try changing it to "spec_table[cmd].function != NULL" perhaps? Look at the bottom of spec_table, and see how the last element defines itself. Hope this helps.
Dave | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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