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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Jscript
➜ An attribute grab command
An attribute grab command
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Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Sat 09 Sep 2000 (UTC) |
| Here's a quick implementation of a command that I know in another client and I was missing on MUSHclient.
The purpose of the command is to enable easier editing of attributes on MU*s.
The usage is:
and what it does is enter in the command window a line of the form:
&attribute object=current value of attribute
All you have to do now is to quickly fix whatever it is that needs fixing, and press enter.
For example:
may produce in the command line:
&lockme me=$lockme:@lock/uselock me=me;@set me=!enter_OK
The script can be found at:
Before the first usage you must type: /SetupGrab() to set up the command.
I have two alternative implementations of this ( and One uses @decompile, while the other uses the get function.
Using @decompile usually works better because it can seperate @ and & , but it misses out in some cases, like when a line has newlines already evaled into it. Also, in some cases, the @decompile command won't return an error message when failed and so the !grab will have to wait until timing out.
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Edited by Icarus at: 9/9/00 7:18:04 am | Top |
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