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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Bug reports ➜ maybe a bug with the snoop in chat

maybe a bug with the snoop in chat

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Posted by Morlock   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Sun 23 Nov 2003 09:42 AM (UTC)

not sure if this is a bug or what but when i try to snoop someone this will happen:

>[SOCIAL]{19044482xp}(408/408hp 349/349m 486/486mvs 100en)
Received unsupported chat command 249 from Miriam
>morlock does not support the chat command 249.
>You emote to everybody: Miriam - freaky
>You emote to everybody: Miriam - freaky
Miriam - freaky
>You are magically transported to your Clan Hall.
>A Remote Bazaar
>| |
>| |
>| |
>| #.^ |
>| #@. |
>| v## |
>| |
>| |
>| |
>+----[ Clan Three ]---+
>Gigantic canvas tents loom over the sandy land. A slight breeze pushes dry air
>through shadowed ally-ways, while the sun pours its heat down upon the bazaar.
>Loud sounds of congregations echo among the empty streets. It's within these
>tents that the Blood Merchants find protection from the blaring light. Here
>where they trade their goods and tales of conquest, riches and sometimes things
>that are much darker.
>A magic mushroom is lying here.
>A small fountain is here flowing from a black marble stone.
>A bulletin board is hanging on the wall.
>A magic trunk of storage is sitting in a corner of the room.
>Obvious exits:
>North - A Storage Tent
>East - A Dusty Road
>Up - The Hall of Mirrors
>Down - Center of Town Square
>[SOCIAL]{19044482xp}(408/408hp 349/349m 486/486mvs 100en)
Received unsupported chat command 249 from Miriam
>morlock does not support the chat command 249.
#snoop miriam
<CHAT> You have stopped snooping Miriam.

seems to be everytime the prompt is sent to the person i am snooping

i have tried it with people with different prompts and the same thing happens

i use mush version 3.42
they use mm2k (not sure what versions)

thanks for any help on this


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Mon 24 Nov 2003 06:30 AM (UTC)
It appears that MudMaster has implemented a new chat command 249 that isn't documented as far as I can see, so I don't know what it does.

What I suggest you do, assuming you installed the chat plugin, is to modify it slightly.

Find these lines in it:

Function OnPluginChatMessage (id, message, sText)

  OnPluginChatMessage = vbTrue  ' process it

'  Example of rejecting a message:
'  if message = 26 then OnPluginChatMessage = vbFalse ' ignore pings

End Function

Modify it (with the internal notepad or some other text editor) to read:

Function OnPluginChatMessage (id, message, sText)

  OnPluginChatMessage = vbTrue  ' process it

'  Example of rejecting a message:
'  if message = 26 then OnPluginChatMessage = vbFalse ' ignore pings

if message = 249 then OnPluginChatMessage = vbFalse ' ignore message 249

End Function

This will cause the chat system to silently ignore message 249, whatever it does. :)

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Morlock   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 24 Nov 2003 10:14 PM (UTC)
thanks it works just fine now


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