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➜ Multiple windows?
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Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Tue 19 Dec 2000 (UTC) |
| hey, I was wondering if its possible to have mushclient open other windows for "say" and "clan' talking? A friend of mine said he can have his client (elfxwinsock) take everything that's said and show it in a different window, so it doesn't clutter up the main one.
- Yoho | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 06 Jan 2001 (UTC) |
| In the latest version of MUSHclient (say, 3.00 onwards) you can do this by:
1. Making a trigger that matches on the clan talk (or whatever)
2. Make this trigger like this:
Match on: <whatever matches the clan talk>
Send: %0
Send to: Notepad (append)
Omit from output: checked
Label: clan_messages
What this will do is send the matching messages to a notepad window (which you can then move to one side) and see the messages in a different window. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Thu 01 Mar 2001 (UTC) |
| I have Mush 3.04 with three separate windows. One main screen, then two smaller ones for link and private messages and another for logins and logouts. At least this is what I hope to do =)
What I did was clicked the window tab and created 2 extra windows, then dragged the outlines until I was happy with their size. The only problem that I have is in the main screen I dont want to see either logins or the links and in the smaller windows dont want to see the commands from my main screen, or any of the information from it. I just want to see links in one and logins in another.
Ive been trying to fix this for four days and havent come up with any ideas. Anyway advice would be appreciated =)
Ahh one more thing I would like to do, that I cant seem to do either is save the windows and their positions for the world, so each time I start up the program my two smaller windows pop up top and the larger on the bottom. Notepad is a bit annoying, i would rather have 3 game windows..Ive even tried making three different "world" windows but that didnt do a thing to help.
Thanks alot!
- Justaguy | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Fri 02 Mar 2001 (UTC) |
| Hmmm - I don't think you can do exactly that with this version, sorry.
The notepad idea would work reasonably well, you can have more than one provided each has a different title (which I think it gets from the label of the trigger).
However it doesn't remember the position of the notepad windows.
What you want to do is have different views (like you have done) but different filtering on each view. It doesn't allow that right now. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Fri 02 Mar 2001 01:28 AM (UTC) |
| Thanks for the very quick response Nick! If it doesnt support it now, I will have to put it as a suggestion for a future version =)
Would be very nice to be able to send links to one "Link output window" and logins into another window, have them able to be positions anywhere on the FE and be able to be saved in that position for future log ons.
I play a game called Dragon's Gate that came from AOL. On AOL we used a Wizard that had three game windows which did what I am speaking of. You could close the link and log in windows and max the game window and the link/login info would then be seen on the main game window. Was a very nice FE.
Thanks for the help, Ill try the notepad windows.
- Justaguy | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Fri 02 Mar 2001 01:49 AM (UTC) |
| I have added this to the suggestion database as #387. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Sun 04 Mar 2001 (UTC) |
| hehe, cool, I'm not the only one who's trying to figure out how to do this. Might I add to the suggestion that it would be nice to be able to use/copy ansi color from the output window to the notepad, use triggers on the notepad, for instance, to highlight certain text that's being dumped in from channels or pages or whatever, and also it would be nice if new text being dumped to notepad via trigger also triggered the flashing taskbar button, if that makes any sense...
Of course, all of that wouldn't be necessary if you could just have it dump to a new output window instead of the notepad.
thanks, Nick, your MUSHclient rocks. I've been told I could do all of this using zMUD, and even been shown how... but I vastly prefer MUSHclient and would rather see this functionality in it than switch over to something else.
- ImzadiDurill | Top |
Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Sun 04 Mar 2001 (UTC) |
| it'd also be nice to be able to set up various triggers to output to the same notepad. For instance, I am on several OOC channels, all with different names, and not all ending in -OOC, but I want them all to show up in one seperate window/notepad/whatever. Most of them are consistantly named with names such as <Federation-OOC>, but some are just called <Public> or <Common>, and I would like to be able to send text from those windows to the same place as the others.
When I tried to set up a second trigger to send text from <Common> to my notepad labelled <OOC_chans>, I got a message saying another trigger was already doing that.
- imzadidurill | Top |
Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Sun 04 Mar 2001 12:37 PM (UTC) |
| Nevermind that last one, I'm an idiot. ;)
I figured out how to filter all versions of pages, sent and recieved, to a 'pages' notepad by setting up a trigger using regular expressions like (You paged|.* pages Long distance to|From afar,) (.*)
Then I figured out that I could do the same thing for channels.
Wow, amazing what you can learn from helpfiles. *bonks self on head multiple times* | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #9 on Sun 04 Mar 2001 12:45 PM (UTC) |
| If you leave the label field blank, then the output will be sent to the same notepad window. Plus, what you did will work too. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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