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➜ ANSI colour in some circumstances..
ANSI colour in some circumstances..
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Posted by
| Unregistered user
(72 posts) Bio
| Tue 06 Feb 2001 (UTC) |
| Uhm, first of all apologies if this is the wrong place for this..
(this might be a code problem in the mu*'s themselves too. -i've heard of cases, mainly on swr muds, but if you don't know what i mean, at least cthulhumud has this problem)
Sometimes, after an ANSI tag, the colour seems to disappear, and is replaced by (in my case) a steady light blue. this happens eg. when i get an automated message from the mud, say for example when i get an autosave notification. below that my prompt line will appear in that one colour. or checking WHO results with a first line of ansi-coloured title, whereafter the colours disappear again. and sometimes as my prompt is dragged to the output window with the message, it's monotone.
I really haven't a clue if this is a common problem, and i can't explain it any better, you'd have to see it if you don't know what i'm talking about..
any suggestions?
- archhugs | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sun 18 Feb 2001 (UTC) Amended on Mon 05 Mar 2001 08:03 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| This is caused by the default triggers that are included with a new world. See the FAQ:
This describes the problem and how to solve it.
In brief, go to the configuration screen for the world, select triggers, and remove them all (or at least, the ones you didn't put there yourself). |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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