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Problems with HotBoot

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Posted by Mathias   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 04 Aug 2004 02:40 PM (UTC)
I've had a few problems installing HotBoot but due to this forum I got them solved, up to this point. I'll just get to it and give you my error message upon making.

[bobby@localhost src]$ make
make smaug
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bobby/dist/src'
rm -f smaug
gcc -o smaug act_comm.o act_info.o act_move.o act_obj.o act_wiz.o boards.o build.o clans.o comm.o comments.o const.o db.o deity.o fight.o handler.o hashstr.o ibuild.o ident.o interp.o magic.o makeobjs.o mapout.o misc.o mpxset.o mud_comm.o mud_prog.o player.o polymorph.o requests.o reset.o save.o shops.o skills.o special.o tables.o track.o update.o grub.o stat_obj.o ban.o services.o planes.o imm_host.o colorize.o
act_info.o(.text+0x3fc5): In function `do_hset':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_info.c:2041: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_info.o(.text+0x7170): In function `do_password':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_info.c:3474: undefined reference to `crypt'
act_wiz.o(.text+0x679a): In function `do_balzhur':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:3258: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_wiz.o(.text+0x9cd9): In function `do_mortalize':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:4880: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_wiz.o(.text+0xb043): In function `do_form_password':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:5441: undefined reference to `crypt'
act_wiz.o(.text+0xc717): In function `do_destroy':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:5756: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_wiz.o(.text+0xc886):/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:5784: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_wiz.o(.text+0x1553a): In function `do_pcrename':
/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:9922: undefined reference to `RENAME'
act_wiz.o(.text+0x15589):/home/bobby/dist/src/act_wiz.c:9925: undefined reference to `RENAME'
build.o(.text+0x2c13): In function `do_mset':
/home/bobby/dist/src/build.c:1692: undefined reference to `crypt'
build.o(.text+0xd356): In function `fold_area':
/home/bobby/dist/src/build.c:5889: undefined reference to `RENAME'
build.o(.text+0xea9f): In function `do_installarea':
/home/bobby/dist/src/build.c:6613: undefined reference to `RENAME'
comm.o(.text+0x3e8): In function `main':
/home/bobby/dist/src/comm.c:327: undefined reference to `hotboot_recover'
comm.o(.text+0x2330): In function `nanny':
/home/bobby/dist/src/comm.c:1692: undefined reference to `crypt'
comm.o(.text+0x2604):/home/bobby/dist/src/comm.c:1779: undefined reference to `crypt'
comm.o(.text+0x26df):/home/bobby/dist/src/comm.c:1800: undefined reference to `crypt'
db.o(.text+0x19c5): In function `boot_db':
/home/bobby/dist/src/db.c:700: undefined reference to `load_world'
save.o(.text+0x270): In function `save_char_obj':
/home/bobby/dist/src/save.c:191: undefined reference to `RENAME'
save.o(.text+0x4c9):/home/bobby/dist/src/save.c:258: undefined reference to `RENAME'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [smaug] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/bobby/dist/src'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[bobby@localhost src]$

Now there's tons of "undefined refrence to 'RENAME' so why does it decide to mess up when its in save.c? The lines its refering to are as follows.

Save.c Line 191: RENAME( strsave, strback );

Save.c Line 258: RENAME(TEMP_FILE, strsave);

It compiles fine in KDevelop, and problems with hotboot are becoming repetitive. Please help me out here, and hopefully this will fix everything and I won't have any further problems.

Posted by Greven   Canada  (835 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Wed 04 Aug 2004 08:24 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 04 Aug 2004 08:27 PM (UTC) by Greven

Well, the crypt and rename problems are talked about repeatedly on this forum. A quick search should give you the fix to them. The errors with hotboot_recover and load_world are going to cause issues as well. Did you put the prototypes for these functions in mud.h? Also, are you sure that you put hotboot.c into your makefile?

Also, your compiling in kcevelop? Are you using smaug, smuag fuss, swr, swr fuss? And which hotboot are you using?

Nobody ever expects the spanish inquisition!

Posted by Mathias   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 05 Aug 2004 03:27 AM (UTC)
It's normal smaug and im just beginning to make changes, hotboot is the first snippet i'm adding and all else that i've done is edit the idle kick times. Umm as for which hotboot, I got it off of and its down near the end, maybe 5 from the bottom. As for putting hotboot.c INTO my makefile, I have no idea what that means :P I have it in my source folder if thats what you mean, but are you saying I have to edit the makefile and add it actually into the file? I never even did look at makefile, i'll have to see if I can figure out how to add hotboot.c to it. Didn't think to even look for the solution to the warnings because it compiles w/o them, well except for the ones with save.c, the other ones it just seemed to skip over, ya know? Concerning those two being added to my mud.h, if it was in the hotboot installation instructions I deffinitely have them in there. I'm too lazy to look right now, just got off work and have a million things to do other than this right now. Haha. I'll take your advice and fix as many of those things as I can, thank you, and if I still have problems ill be sure to post them :)

Posted by Samson   USA  (683 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Thu 05 Aug 2004 11:44 AM (UTC)
That's not "normal" Smaug. It looks like you've got ahold of something that's been modified to better suit Windows. The RENAME ( case sensative ) function doesn't exist. Where did you get your copy of Smaug?

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