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➜ SMAUG coding
➜ Odelete - Rdelete - Mdelete
Odelete - Rdelete - Mdelete
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Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Wed 22 Sep 2004 07:31 PM (UTC) |
| Ok... i have just gotten SW RiP v101 installed and
running.. I believe it is smaug hence the post in this
My problem is the *delete functions (odelete rdelete
mdelete) are all disabled.. does anyone know how to
reactivate them..
I am not very experienced as a coder or mud administrator
so detailed explanations would be more useful..
Please and thanks |
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 07:35 PM (UTC) |
| What do you mean "disabled"? Does it say "Huh?" when you try to use them. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 07:41 PM (UTC) |
| Here is a cut and past from my mud output to help clarify..
Health:500/500 Movement:1000/1000 >rlist 100 102
100) Omnipresent Being's Monitoring Room
101) Den's Den.
102) The Omnipresent Being's Mortal Engagement Room
Force:1000/1000 Align:-1000
Health:500/500 Movement:1000/1000 >odelete 101
Log: Aidaan: odelete 101
Force:1000/1000 Align:-1000
Health:500/500 Movement:1000/1000 >rlist 100 102
100) Omnipresent Being's Monitoring Room
101) Den's Den.
102) The Omnipresent Being's Mortal Engagement Room
Force:1000/1000 Align:-1000
Health:500/500 Movement:1000/1000 >help odelete
Syntax: rdelete <vnum>
Syntax: mdelete <vnum>
Syntax: odelete <vnum>
These commands will allow you to delete a vnum's entry online.
They are not currently functional.
ok.. disabled looks to be the wrong word.. functional
as the mud help file puts it....
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 07:50 PM (UTC) |
| Why are you using rlist with odelete? Odelete is for objects, rlist is for rooms. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:05 PM (UTC) |
| Ok.. i guess i need a bit of help understanding what rdelete, odelete and mdelete do.. because i need it to completely wipe the vnum said obj, room, mob was given and make it like it was never there..
currently rdelete just wiped the name and description of a room, not the flags exits or vnum itself..
odelete dosent work.. neither does mdelete.. im at a loss for what you need to help me... please assist me in assisting you to assist me :P |
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:23 PM (UTC) |
| All 3 commands work fine on stock Smaug.
rdelete deletes a room.
odelete deletes an object.
mdelete deletes a mob.
How do they not work? |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 08:40 PM (UTC) |
| I dont know how they dont work.. they just dont..
rdelete ONLY delete the room name and description...
mdelete dosent do anything..
odelete dosent do anything..
Living Room {118}[private prototype]
Obvious exits:
West - Darrik's Mortal Relation Room
Up - Main Room of Darrik's Quarters
Down - Workshop
Log: Aidaan: RDELETE 120
Room deleted.
Wed Sep 22 16:34:18 2004 :: Log Aidaan: rdelete 120 (copy paste from command line window)
Living Room {118}[private prototype]
Obvious exits:
West - Darrik's Mortal Relation Room
Up - Main Room of Darrik's Quarters
Down -
{120}[private prototype factory]
Obvious exits:
Up - Living Room
Wed Sep 22 16:37:30 2004 :: Log Aidaan: mdelete 101
Log: Aidaan: mdelete 101
Wed Sep 22 16:37:35 2004 :: Log Aidaan: odelete 101
Log: Aidaan: odelete 101
but the mdelete and odelete things are still there after i try to delete them...
and the rdelete only removed name and desc from the room.. not the rooms vnum from the database...
i hope this helps you understand it a bit more..
oh.. and this is SW RiP v101.. not a stock SMAUG.. the files just say its based off SMAUG
| Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 09:02 PM (UTC) |
| Ok before when i rdelete a room it removed the rooms desc and name.. and i could still enter it and rlist it..
now when i rdelete a room it removed the name and desc but then crashes the mud when i try to rlist or rstat or enter the room..
dosent make any sense..
I think it would be easier if you could ask me questions and i could answer them in real time.. so heres my contact
AIM = ShadyMotSF
MSN = Shady_MotSF
YAHOO = Shady_MotSF |
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 09:10 PM (UTC) |
| Hmm, if it crashes, then maybe it isn't finished. I suggest you get SWRFUSS, a fixed up version of SWR: |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 09:22 PM (UTC) |
| I have swfote11fuss.tar.gz but it wont compile properly on windows for some reason.. is it ment for linux? |
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #10 on Wed 22 Sep 2004 11:29 PM (UTC) |
| Oh, you're using Windows. Yes, I think it is, although I think it supports Cygwin. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Greven
Canada (835 posts) Bio
| Reply #11 on Thu 23 Sep 2004 01:43 AM (UTC) |
| I beleive that the FUSS packages were modified to work on all platforms, I don't know about FotE though, since I happen to dislike it.
As for r/o/mdelete, they are NOT included in SWR1.0, as I beleive that SWR1.0 was based on an earlier version of smaug that 1.4, though I could be wrong. Either way, o/m/rdlete do not work in stock, and the commands may not have been developed for FotE. |
Nobody ever expects the spanish inquisition! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Cash
USA (626 posts) Bio
| Reply #12 on Thu 23 Sep 2004 01:46 AM (UTC) |
| As to shed some light on the matter of why it wont work, well, its simple really. SWR is based from an older version of SMAUG, which obviouslly had plans for all of the delete commands, but didnt get them working. The current release of SMAUG has them, and they could easily be ported over. As for why SWRiP doesnt have them, well, its based from SWR. I'm sure they just werent added. Like on my mud, rather then deleting I merely just work around it, renaming and changing everything.
EDIT: Looks like Greven beat me to it :P |
~Nick Cash | Top |
Posted by
| Toy
(206 posts) Bio
| Reply #13 on Thu 23 Sep 2004 11:22 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 23 Sep 2004 11:25 AM (UTC) by Toy
| Actually, I just got done dealing with this issue myself. What I did was took my original SMAUG release, and replaced all the rdelete-odelete-mdelete SWRIP calls with the SMAUG ones. Had to change a few calls in mud.h, but it seems to be working just fine for me. Hope this helps any.
Oh yeah, in the calls to do_rdelete, there were calls to delete_room in db.c. Had to change that too. I'm pretty sure you have to do that for odelete and mdelete as well (forget what their calls are offhand) |
It's always good to know how far you are willing to go to be the best...
Karl Mancine
Toy the Dark Puppet | Top |
Posted by
| Asean Novari
USA (82 posts) Bio
| Reply #14 on Thu 23 Sep 2004 04:07 PM (UTC) |
| Well Toy.. As i stated before. I am only a beginning
programmer trying to get the hang of things. I do not yet
understand how to change mass ammouints of the code for
fear of making it be so much more broken than i can deal
I would really appreciate it if you could put the actual
directions on how to do that in here so i can follow them
wthout worry that im messing somthing up. |
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