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➜ How to add A Script/Plugin to Mushclient
How to add A Script/Plugin to Mushclient
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Posted by
| Yasha
(8 posts) Bio
| Thu 11 Aug 2005 04:55 PM (UTC) |
I am new to Mushclient and scripting in general. I posted this in VBscript but realized it may have been the wrong place. I am wondering how does one add a script/plugin to Mushclient? There is a script I found on this forum for displaying prot duration of various spells. A script was posted as a reply but I am having trouble trying to implement it. Can someone point me to a good faq or post how to do it?
Thanx! | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Thu 11 Aug 2005 08:16 PM (UTC) |
| What does the script look like? Does it have triggers/aliases included with the script? or is it just a script? |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| Yasha
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Thu 11 Aug 2005 08:59 PM (UTC) |
| Hi
Sorry if this is long/spam but I thought it would be easier to just copy/paste for you to see.
What I am having trouble with is where exactly to put the commands he is referring to. Any help would be appreciated!
Mon 05 Apr 2004 05:38 AM (UTC)
Yep, that makes a bit more sense. Oookay... the 'timer' alias looks like some twisted way of getting a timediff, lets see...
Here's a plugin that does all the same things as your script, has the same 'check' and 'clear' aliases to control it, plus 2 triggers to add/remove the Heavy Weight prot. Both triggers should send to scripting, adding trigger should call the AddProt sub and send the report directly to the world, this is the contents of its Send box:
call AddProt("prot_name")
world.send "party report say prot_name active!"
removing trigger calls the RemoveProt sub and do an opposite announce:
call RemoveProt("prot_name")
world.send "party report say prot_name expires!"
You can copy the bellow code, paste it into an empty text file, save as "ProtsReport.xml" in your plugins folder, and install the resulting file as Mushclient's plugin. Note that only the script was tested - triggers and aliases might be off.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient >
<plugin name="ProtsReport" author="Keldar" language="vbscript" purpose="Reporting the status of prots"
save_state="y" date_written="2004-04-05" requires="3.42" version="1.0" id="783968f7b4c746ec0f6d2bdf">
><send>call ReportProts</send></alias>
><send>call ClearProts</send></alias>
match="You suddenly feel magically heavier\."
><send>call AddProt("HW")
world.send "party report say Heavy Weight Active."</send></trigger>
match="You feel lighter, but it doesn't seem to affect your weight\!"
><send>call RemoveProt("HW")
world.send "party report say Heavy Weight Expires."</send></trigger>
dim start_times
set start_times = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
function GetTimeDiff(prot)
time_now = Timer
if start_times.Exists(prot) then
GetTimeDiff = time_now - start_times.Item(prot)
end if
end function
function FormatTime(diff)
tmp_time = cint(diff)
if (tmp_time) < 60 then
mins = "0"
secs = tmp_time
mins = cint((tmp_time)/60)
secs = tmp_time Mod 60
end if
if secs < 10 then
secs = "0" & secs
end if
FormatTime = cstr(mins) & ":" & cstr(secs)
end function
sub ReportProts
dim tmp_time, prot, output
output = ""
for each prot in start_times.Keys
tmp_time = FormatTime(GetTimeDiff(prot))
output = output & prot & " (" & tmp_time & ") "
world.send "party report say " & output
end sub
sub AddProt(prot)
if (not start_times.Exists(prot)) then
start_times.Add prot, Timer
end if
end sub
sub RemoveProt(prot)
if start_times.Exists(prot) then
end if
end sub
sub ClearProts
end sub
| Top |
Posted by
| Yasha
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Thu 11 Aug 2005 09:02 PM (UTC) |
| Oh I forgot to mention. Is the above script for just ONE prot? And if so, do I need to add in the triggers for all the prots I want to use?
Yasha | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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