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➜ MUSHclient
➜ VBscript
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Suggestions for improvement
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Posted by
| Greven
Canada (835 posts) Bio
| Sat 13 Aug 2005 05:25 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 13 Aug 2005 05:26 AM (UTC) by Greven
| I was bored and decided to mess around with some of mushclients scripting for the first time. I decided to make a winamp script to mess around with, and this is eventually what I came up with:
set winamp = createObject("WinampCOM.Application")
call winampstatus
sub winampstatus
' Set the status bar in MUSHclient to display winamp info12/08/2005
'Checks the global variable each time
if StrComp(world.GetVariable("songname"),winamp.CurrentSongTitle) <> 0 then
call update_song
End if
'The time returns for current is in milliseconds, so convert and round to seconds
world.SetVariable "songseconds", Round(winamp.CurrentPos/1000)
'We don't want to actually round the minute, just to get rid of any decimal places, so fix instead of round
world.Setvariable "songminutes", fix(world.GetVariable("songseconds") / 60)
world.SetVariable "songseconds", world.GetVariable("songseconds") mod 60
'This is just to produce a "0:07" type look instead of "0:7"
if world.GetVariable("songseconds") < 10 then
world.SetVariable "songseconds", "0" + world.GetVariable("songseconds")
End if
'Just format the current string
world.SetVariable "songtime", world.GetVariable("songminutes") + ":"
world.SetVariable "songtime", world.GetVariable("songtime") + world.GetVariable("songseconds")
world.SetVariable "statstring", world.GetVariable("songname") + " ("
world.SetVariable "statstring", world.GetVariable("statstring") + world.GetVariable("songtime")
world.SetVariable "statstring", world.GetVariable("statstring") + "/"
world.SetVariable "statstring", world.GetVariable("statstring") + world.GetVariable("songtimetotal")
world.SetVariable "statstring", world.GetVariable("statstring") + ")"
world.setstatus world.GetVariable("statstring")
end sub
sub update_song
' Update the song info
world.SetVariable "songname", winamp.CurrentSongTitle
DoAfterSpecial 1,"call update_song_name", 12
end sub
sub update_song_name
' Update the song info
world.SetVariable "songlength", winamp.CurrentSongLength
world.SetVariable "songsecondstotal", world.GetVariable("songlength") mod 60
world.Setvariable "songminutestotal", fix(world.GetVariable("songlength") / 60)
if world.GetVariable("songsecondstotal") < 10 then
world.SetVariable "songsecondstotal", "0" + world.GetVariable("songsecondstotal")
End if
world.SetVariable "songtimetotal", world.GetVariable("songminutestotal") + ":"
world.SetVariable "songtimetotal", world.GetVariable("songtimetotal") + world.GetVariable("songsecondstotal")
end sub
It is probably really redundant and in poor scripting style, but I am very unfamiliar with vbscript and mushclient scripting in general. Any comments would be great, thanks. |
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