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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ When IS the next major release coming?

When IS the next major release coming?

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Posted by Unregistered user   (72 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 21 Aug 2000 (UTC)
I was just wondering exacty when IS the next major release of MC coming? i heard that yall were gonna add the chat stuff, like MMchat and ZMudchat, it going to be compatible with all of those? also what else is expected to be added? and most of all when is all coming?

- NC DoA


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Tue 22 Aug 2000 (UTC)
The next release will be likely to have Chat (compatible with existing chats), and Mud Sound Protocol.

However I am not planning a major release for a little while yet. Version 3 was the last major release, which took from about May to August this year to do, in conjunction with about 90 beta-testers.

The chatting in particular will need extensive testing, as it obviously needs to work properly, and easily, to be much use.

I don't want to get into doing constant, incremental improvements, as you never really end up with a stable program. I would like MUSHclient 3 to bed down, have any minor glitches removed, and then plan for a new release.

This won't be for a while yet.

- Nick Gammon,

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