Posted by
| Norbert
USA (61 posts) Bio
| I'm trying to change my scripts over to Lua from VBscript and I'm running into some complications. I keep getting an error saying that I'm trying to do math on a nil value.
function conv(number)
a = string.gsub(number, ",", "")
return a
function DoInfobar ()
CurGLV = tonumber(GetVariable("CurGLV"))
CurELV = tonumber(GetVariable("CurELV"))
HPcur = tonumber(GetVariable("HPcur"))
HPmax = tonumber(GetVariable("HPmax"))
CurEScore = tonumber(conv(GetVariable("CurEScore")))
CurPXP = string.gsub(GetVariable ("CurPXP"),",","")
CurGXP = string.gsub(GetVariable("CurGXP"),",","")
kills = tonumber(GetVariable("worthies"))
Money = tonumber(GetVariable ("Money"))
Scales = GetVariable("Scales")
Hunger = GetVariable("Hunger")
CurAlign = GetVariable("CurAlign")
Totalneeded = 100
a = 2
b = 500000
for i = 1, 37, 1 do
b = (a * 250000) + b
a = a + (i - 1)
c = (a * 250000)
if i == CurELV then
Elastlv = b
ETotalneeded = c
end --If
end -- for
CurEScore = tonumber(CurEScore) - tonumber(ELastlv)
alignments = {
W = { str = "white lord", color = "red" },
P = { str = "paladin", color = "red" },
C = { str = "crusader", color = "gold" },
G = { str = "good", color = "green" },
H = { str = "honorable", color = "green" },
N = { str = "neutral", color = "lime" },
M = { str = "malicious", color = "green" },
E = { str = "evil", color = "green" },
I = { str = "infamous", color = "gold" },
B = { str = "black knight", color = "red" },
L = { str = "lord of evil", color = "red" },
table.foreach (alignments,
function (k, v)
if alignments.str == CurAlign then
InfoColour (alignments.color)
end --if
end -- function
InfoClear ()
InfoBackground ("white")
InfoFont ("Arial", 12, 1)
InfoColour ("purple")
Info (GetInfo (2))
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" Dragon Grade: ")
InfoColour ("blue")
Info (CurGLV)
InfoColour ("blue")
Info (" E")
InfoColour ("blue")
Info (CurELV)
DoGauge(" HP: ", HPcur, HPmax, "darkgreen", "red")
DoGauge(" GXP: ", CurGXP, Totalneeded, "blue", "blue")
DoGauge(" EXP: ", CurEScore, ETotalneeded, "blue", "blue")
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" ALIGN: ")
Info (CurAlign)
InfoColour ("black")
Info (" Kills: ")
InfoColour ("green")
Info (kills)
end -- doinfobar
If someone could help me out here it would be much appreciated. |
-Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot?
Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens
It's a dumb question... skip it.
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