I like to parse text from the mud, store it in a script variable (such as a hash, array, etc), and then use that information later on in some manner (which itself may be triggered by text from the mud, or even by a command from me). Is there going to be any issues with this?
Not at all. You can either use script language variables (eg. Lua associative tables) or MUSHclient's internal variables. I recommend Lua as it is fast and powerful, and has keyed arrays (an example of which appears below).
However you can also use MUSHclient world variables, which are serialized to disk when the world is saved, which you may or may not want.
There is also a method of converting Lua tables into a string for saving in a MUSHclient variable, this is documented here on the forum and the code is supplied as part of the MUSHclient Lua example script file.
Also, there are a couple of popups that (I thought) I turned off, but which keep recurring. Is there a way to turn off all popups?
There is no "turn off all popups" option, however there aren't that many. Check out File -> Global Preferences for ones relating to lost connections. If you get a popup when attempting to up-arrow over a half-typed command, see world options -> Commands -> Keyboard Preferences -> "Confirm before replacing typing".
Also, I dont like how the speedwalker replaces 'n' with 'north'. It's a minor issue I know ...
Well it is cosmetic isn't it? However if it worries you, you can modify the script a bit to do a "string.gsub" on the results from the speedwalk conversion, to convert "north" back to "n". Below is an example, using my original regexp:
<send>Queue ((string.gsub (EvaluateSpeedwalk ("%0"), "%a+",
function (s)
local subst =
{north = "n", south = "s", east = "e", west = "w",
up = "u", down = "d" }
return subst [s] or s
end -- function
)), true)</send>