A few of my builders have said the format feature in the editor would be much better if it had a way of providing a hanging indent, so I tried to do it. This is the SWRFUSS codebase.
// handler.c
char *strlinwrp( char *src, int length, int indent )
int wrdlen, marker = 0;
char newstr[MSL], word[MSL];
// indents = repeat_string( indent, " " );
char indents[MSL], token[MSL];
if( indent ) {
sprintf( token, "%%%ds", indent );
sprintf( indents, token, "" );
while( strlen( src ) ) {
while( marker < length ) {
if( src[marker] == '\n' )
src = one_argument( src, word );
wrdlen = strlen_color( word );
// If it won't fit on the line, put it back and wrap.
if( marker + wrdlen == length ) {
sprintf( src, "%s %s", src, word );
sprintf( newstr, "%s %s", newstr, word );
marker += wrdlen;
if( indent )
sprintf( newstr, "%s%s", indents, newstr);
sprintf( newstr, "%s\n", newstr );
marker = indent;
// Append color reset.
sprintf( newstr, "%s&w", newstr );
return STRALLOC( newstr );
// void edit_buffer( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument ); [it's in editor.c]
if( argument[0] == '/' || argument[0] == '\\' )
argument = one_argument( argument, cmd );
if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "?" ) )
editor_help( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "c" ) )
editor_clear_buf( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "r" ) )
editor_search_and_replace( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "i" ) )
editor_insert_line( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "d" ) )
editor_delete_line( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "g" ) )
editor_goto_line( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "l" ) )
editor_list( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "a" ) )
editor_abort( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "s" ) )
editor_save( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "!" ) )
editor_escaped_cmd( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "p" ) )
editor_print_info( ch, edd, argument );
else if( !str_cmp( cmd + 1, "f" ) )
int indent;
if( !str_cmp( argument, "" ) )
indent = 0;
indent = atoi( argument );
editor_format_lines( ch, edd, indent );
} /* There's a lot in here that I haven't put in, and I bolded what I added */
// void editor_format_lines( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, int indent ); [It's in editor.c also]
void editor_format_lines( CHAR_DATA * ch, EDITOR_DATA * edd, int indent )
short from, to;
int srclen, x, inp;
char newsrc[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
char newsrc2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
from = 1;
to = edd->line_count;
eline = edd->first_line;
inp = 0;
while( eline )
srclen = strlen( eline->line );
for( x = 0; x < srclen; x++ )
src[inp++] = eline->line[x];
if(src[inp-1] != ' ')
src[inp++] = ' ';
eline = eline->next;
src[inp] = '\0';
strcpy( newsrc, strrep( src, "(NL)", "\r\n" ) );
strcpy( newsrc, strlinwrp( newsrc, 75, indent ) );
edit_buffer( ch, "/c" );
inp = 0;
srclen = strlen( newsrc );
for( x = 0; x < srclen; x++ )
if( newsrc[x] == '\r' || newsrc[x] == '\n' )
newsrc2[inp] = '\0';
inp = 0;
edit_buffer( ch, newsrc2 );
newsrc2[inp++] = newsrc[x];
send_to_char( "\r\nOk - Reformatted.\r\n", ch );
Anyway, it keeps crashing, and gdb doesn't seem to be able to catch the cause. Would anyone be able to help me? |