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 Entire forum ➜ SMAUG ➜ Compiling the server ➜ compiling smuag with MYSQL under cygwin

compiling smuag with MYSQL under cygwin

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Posted by Pyromanci   (7 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 23 Feb 2009 02:12 AM (UTC)
Ok i am trying to compile smuagfuss with a mysql option under cygwin. this is the top part of my make file.

CC = g++
#PROF = -p

#Uncomment to compile in Cygwin

#repoint these to your mysql directories
MYSQL = -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -I/usr/local/include/mysql/

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined references to dlsym, dlopen, and dlclose.
#Comment it out if you get errors about ldl not being found.
NEED_DL = -ldl

#Some systems need this for dynamic linking to work.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS = -export-dynamic

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
#IMC = 1

W_FLAGS = -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -Wformat-security -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls

#D_FLAGS : For the DNS Slave process. No need in linking all the extra libs for this.

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c ban.c boards.c \
build.c calendar.c chess.c clans.c color.c comm.c comments.c const.c db.c deity.c \
dns.c fight.c handler.c hashstr.c hint.c hotboot.c imm_host.c interp.c \
liquids.c magic.c makeobjs.c mapout.c mapper.c mccp.c \
misc.c mpxset.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c news.c planes.c player.c polymorph.c \
renumber.c reset.c save.c services.c sha256.c shops.c skills.c special.c tables.c \
track.c update.c variables.c weather.c mysql.c

As you can see i am pointing to the mysql folders, when i compile the mud i get

Compiling o/mysql.o....
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on th
command line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols from auto-imported DLLs.o/mysql.o: In function `_Z7open_dbv':
/home/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:22: undefined reference to `_mysql_init'
/home/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:27: undefined reference to `_mysql_real_connect'
/home/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:30: undefined reference to `_mysql_close'
o/mysql.o: In function `_Z8close_dbv':
/home/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:38: undefined reference to `_mysql_close'
Info: resolving __timezone by linking to __imp___timezone (auto-import)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [smaug] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Any clues to what could be wrong?

I configured mySQL correctly when i built it or atleast i beleve so.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,057 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 02:33 AM (UTC)
I seem to recall a recent similar problem. This is a linking issue if I read the post correctly.

You need to be cautious where the reference to mysql is in the line that does the linking.

Libraries you are offering to link against need to be specified *before* the files that need them. Putting them at the end of the line won't necessarily work.

eg. Change from:

$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) smaug.exp $(L_FLAGS)


$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(L_FLAGS) $(O_FILES) smaug.exp

(If I am right). Worth trying.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Pyromanci   (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 02:41 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 23 Feb 2009 03:00 AM (UTC) by Pyromanci

I made the changes and get the same error. I also through it up on my hosting server just to see (with the proper corrections to the mysql folders) and i get the same errors.

I remember a few years ago i was doing something similar to what i am wanting to do now and had this issue, but i can't remember what i did to fix it.


I was doing some more digging around and found i made a mistake.

#repoint these to your mysql directories
MYSQL = -L/usr/lib/mysql -I/usr/include/mysql/

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined references to dlsym, dlopen, and dlclose.
#Comment it out if you get errors about ldl not being found.
NEED_DL = -ldl -lmysqlclient

forgot the mysqlclient call, but now i have a new error which i think is related to my mysql build.

mpress.c:(.text+0x66): undefined reference to `_compress'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o):my_compress.c:(.text+0x11e): undefined reference to `_compress'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o):my_compress.c:(.text+0x1e7): undefined reference to `_uncompress'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o):my_compress.c:(.text+0x318): undefined reference to `_compress'
/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a(my_compress.o):my_compress.c:(.text+0x441): undefined reference to `_uncompress'
Info: resolving __timezone by linking to __imp___timezone (auto-import)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [smaug] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,057 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 03:01 AM (UTC)
Can you post your entire corrected Makefile please?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Cash   USA  (626 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 03:09 AM (UTC)
Where did you get your MySQL libraries from? If you want to compile anything in Cygwin using MySQL you need to build MySQL yourself (using Cygwin).

~Nick Cash

Posted by Pyromanci   (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 03:10 AM (UTC)
Yes it is in the mySQL build I ran the corrected makefile on the host (with the correct directories and no cygwin) and it compiled just fine. Though here is the make file like you asked for.

CC = g++
#PROF = -p

#Uncomment to compile in Cygwin

#repoint these to your mysql directories
MYSQL = -L/usr/lib/mysql -I/usr/include/mysql/

#Uncomment the line below if you are getting undefined references to dlsym, dlopen, and dlclose.
#Comment it out if you get errors about ldl not being found.
NEED_DL = -ldl -lmysqlclient

#Some systems need this for dynamic linking to work.
EXPORT_SYMBOLS = -export-dynamic

# Uncomment the two lines below if compiling on a Solaris box
#SOLARIS_LINK = -lnsl -lsocket

#IMC2 - Comment out to disable IMC2 support
#IMC = 1

W_FLAGS = -Wall -Werror -Wshadow -Wformat-security -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wredundant-decls

#D_FLAGS : For the DNS Slave process. No need in linking all the extra libs for this.

C_FILES = act_comm.c act_info.c act_move.c act_obj.c act_wiz.c ban.c boards.c \
build.c calendar.c chess.c clans.c color.c comm.c comments.c const.c db.c deity.c \
dns.c fight.c handler.c hashstr.c hint.c hotboot.c imm_host.c interp.c \
liquids.c magic.c makeobjs.c mapout.c mapper.c mccp.c \
misc.c mpxset.c mud_comm.c mud_prog.c news.c planes.c player.c polymorph.c \
renumber.c reset.c save.c services.c sha256.c shops.c skills.c special.c tables.c \
track.c update.c variables.c weather.c mysql.c

ifdef IMC
C_FILES := imc.c $(C_FILES)

O_FILES := $(patsubst %.c,o/%.o,$(C_FILES))

H_FILES = $(wildcard *.h)

$(MAKE) -s smaug
$(MAKE) -s dns

# pull in dependency info for *existing* .o files
-include dependencies.d

ifdef CYGWIN
smaug: $(O_FILES)
rm -f smaug.exe
dlltool --export-all --output-def smaug.def $(O_FILES)
dlltool --dllname smaug.exe --output-exp smaug.exp --def smaug.def
$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) smaug.exp $(L_FLAGS)
@echo "Generating dependency file ...";
@$(CC) -MM $(C_FLAGS) $(C_FILES) > dependencies.d
@perl -pi -e 's.^([a-z]).o/$$1.g' dependencies.d
@echo "Done compiling mud.";
chmod g+w smaug.exe
chmod a+x smaug.exe
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

@rm -f o/*.o smaug.exe dependencies.d resolver.exe resolver.o *~

smaug: $(O_FILES)
rm -f smaug
$(CC) -export-dynamic -o smaug $(O_FILES) $(L_FLAGS)
@echo "Generating dependency file ...";
@$(CC) -MM $(C_FLAGS) $(C_FILES) > dependencies.d
@perl -pi -e 's.^([a-z]).o/$$1.g' dependencies.d
@echo "Done compiling mud.";
chmod g+w smaug
chmod a+x smaug
chmod g+w $(O_FILES)

@rm -f o/*.o smaug dependencies.d resolver resolver.o *~

dns: resolver.o
rm -f resolver
$(CC) $(D_FLAGS) -o resolver resolver.o
@echo "Done compiling DNS resolver.";
chmod g+w resolver
chmod a+x resolver
chmod g+w resolver.o

indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(C_FILES)
indent -ts3 -nut -nsaf -nsai -nsaw -npcs -npsl -ncs -nbc -bls -prs -bap -cbi0 -cli3 -bli0 -l125 -lp -i3 -cdb -c1 -cd1 -sc -pmt $(H_FILES)

rm *.c~ *.h~

o/%.o: %.c
echo " Compiling $@....";
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $< -o $@

.c.o: mud.h
$(CC) -c $(C_FLAGS) $<

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,057 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 03:13 AM (UTC)
You missed this bit:

ifdef CYGWIN


$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) smaug.exp $(L_FLAGS)

Hence it didn't work under Cygwin.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Pyromanci   (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 04:41 AM (UTC)
ok when i change
$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(O_FILES) smaug.exp $(L_FLAGS)
to this
$(CC) -o smaug.exe $(L_FLAGS) $(O_FILES) smaug.exp

I get this set of errors.
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: warning: auto-importing has been activated without --enable-auto-import specified on the
command line.
This should work unless it involves constant data structures referencing symbols from auto-imported DLLs.o/comm.o: In function `_Z19write_to_descriptorP15des
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/comm.c:1664: undefined reference to `_deflate'
o/mccp.o: In function `_Z13compressStartP15descriptor_data':
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mccp.c:125: undefined reference to `_deflateInit_'
o/mccp.o: In function `_Z11compressEndP15descriptor_data':
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mccp.c:150: undefined reference to `_deflate'
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mccp.c:156: undefined reference to `_deflateEnd'
o/mysql.o: In function `_Z7open_dbv':
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:22: undefined reference to `_mysql_init'
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:27: undefined reference to `_mysql_real_connect'
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:30: undefined reference to `_mysql_close'
o/mysql.o: In function `_Z8close_dbv':
/home/Glenn/smaugfuss/src/mysql.c:38: undefined reference to `_mysql_close'
Info: resolving __timezone by linking to __imp___timezone (auto-import)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [smaug] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

Posted by Pyromanci   (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 04:50 AM (UTC)
Got it. Did some more reading on mysql's site and found this can happen. ran the

mysql_config --libs

and it returned
-L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lm

So i added -lz -lcrypt -lm into the mysql part of my make file and it compiled just fine.

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