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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Perlscript ➜ Need some help!

Need some help!

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Posted by KorvinKray   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 16 Dec 2009 11:14 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 16 Dec 2009 11:15 AM (UTC) by KorvinKray

I have been trying to figure out how to get the working, if possible, in MUSHclient. It works fine in a couple other clients but cannot figure it out here. I keep getting this:

Error number: -2147467259
Event: Execution of line 1 column 0
Description: (in cleanup) Undefined subroutine &main::delAlias called

Called by: Immediate execution

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'redefine';

my %inflictedDamage;
my %takenDamage;
my $lastWeapon="unknown";
my %inflictedWeapons;

sub damageText {
	my $txt='Damage Log:%r%cb%cuDamage inflicted:%cn%r%r';
	my $shots=0;
	my $damage=0;
	foreach my $loc (keys %inflictedDamage) {
		$txt .= sprintf('%20s: %4d damage in %4d shots.%%r',
 	$txt.=sprintf('%%ch%20s: %4d damage in %4d shots.%%cn%%r',
 	$txt.='%r%cb%cuWeapons hit:%cn%r%r';
	foreach my $loc (keys %inflictedWeapons) {
		$txt .= sprintf('%20s: %4d damage in %4d shots.%%r',
	$txt.='%r%cb%cuDamage taken:%cn%r%r';
	foreach my $loc (keys %takenDamage) {
		$txt .= sprintf('%20s: %4d damage in %4d shots.%%r',
 	$txt.=sprintf('%%ch%20s: %4d damage in %4d shots.%%r%%cn',

	$txt=~s/ (?= )/ \%/g;
	return $txt;

addAlias("DAMAGE_RESET",qr/^damagereset\s*$/,sub {
	statusWindow->print(ansi('%cbDamage log reset%cn%r'));
	return undef;
addAlias("DAMAGE_PRINT",qr/^dpr\s*$/,sub {
	return undef;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_DEAL",qr/You hit for (\d+) points of damage in the ([\w (]+[\w)])/, sub { 
        my $w=$2;
        chomp $w;
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_TAKE",qr/You have been hit for (\d+) points of damage in the ([\w (]+[\w)])/, sub {
	my $p=$1;
	my $w=$2;
        chomp $w;
	unless ($w=~/transfer/) {
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON",qr/You fire ([\w\-\/]+) at/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_KICK",qr/You try to kick/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_PUNCH",qr/You try to punch/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_CLUB",qr/You try to club/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_AXE",qr/You try to axe/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_DFA",qr/You land on your target/, sub {
	$lastWeapon="Death From Above";	
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

addAlias("DAMAGE_INSERT",qr/\@DAMAGE\@/,sub {
	my $t=damageText;
	my $l=shift;
	$l=~ s/\@DAMAGE\@/$t/;
	return $l;

As I said, this works in a couple other clients, here is the link to a screenshot I took of what it is supposed to look like.

Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated.

Posted by Ron   China  (15 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Wed 16 Dec 2009 11:50 AM (UTC)
The problem is Mush didn't have this function "delAlias".

Is that yourself defined function?

If so . please "require" the file that include sub delAlias first.


Posted by KorvinKray   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 17 Dec 2009 05:30 PM (UTC)
I guess what I am looking for is how do I create and delete aliases from within a script?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Thu 17 Dec 2009 07:17 PM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 17 Dec 2009 07:25 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Template:function=AddAlias AddAlias

The documentation for the AddAlias script function is available online. It is also in the MUSHclient help file.

Template:function=DeleteAlias DeleteAlias

The documentation for the DeleteAlias script function is available online. It is also in the MUSHclient help file.

KorvinKray said:

addTrigger("DAMAGE_WEAPON_AXE",qr/You try to axe/, sub {
	addDelayed("DAMAGE_WEAPON_RESET",3,sub { $lastWeapon="unknown"; });
	return shift;

This isn't exactly how MUSHclient handles scripts. You can't put a Perl script in as the argument to AddTrigger. You have two options - put in the name of a script in your script file (the function name) or you use "send to script" and put the commands to be done (outside a function) in the "send" field.

See for a lengthy discussion about this.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by KorvinKray   (3 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Fri 18 Dec 2009 10:12 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 18 Dec 2009 10:14 PM (UTC) by KorvinKray

Oh well, seems more complicated than I thought, I will just have to forget about it for now and keep using XpertMud till I can figure it out.

Thanks for the replies.

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