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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Miniwindows ➜ Map miniwindow in MKO?

Map miniwindow in MKO?

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Posted by Kaimarae   (34 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #15 on Sun 15 May 2011 03:05 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 15 May 2011 03:08 AM (UTC) by Kaimarae

Added "sequence = 99," to the help alias... now PARSE shows up. Did parse... But uh, no display is happening. Just doing MAP doesn't show it in the miniwindow now either (still displays map in main window)

EDIT: More fun things. Disabled the Debug. Map now updates when I walk... Still isn't gagging, and the map appears twic- nevermind. It stopped doing that. Now to gag the old one...

Confused panda.

Also, is it possible to retain the original formatting of the map? Or is that a huge screw around?

Posted by Kaimarae   (34 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #16 on Sun 15 May 2011 03:15 AM (UTC)
Wow. I turned CONFIG MAPVIEW OFF for shiggles. Turns out, your map still works. So I guess that counts as it being gagged, heh...

Sorry for taking up so much of your time, and thank you!
(If you're STILL in the mood for helping newbies could you take a look at this?
Another thing I can't figure out.)

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #17 on Sun 15 May 2011 03:29 AM (UTC)

Amended on Sun 15 May 2011 03:30 AM (UTC) by Twisol

Kaimarae said:
My god... Your plugin is the most insane thing I have EVER seen.

Does it track things entering and leaving the room too? Christ.

Ahahahahaha. :D No, that's all data that MKO itself is sending! The GMCP plugin enables it and makes it available to other plugins.

(And yes, it should track things entering and leaving! Just not players, I think. Check out ironrealms.com/gmcp-doc for almost-full documentation.)

Kaimarae said:
EDIT: More fun things. Disabled the Debug. Map now updates when I walk... Still isn't gagging, and the map appears twic- nevermind. It stopped doing that. Now to gag the old one...

Yeah, I figured the debug output would muck up the triggers. Disable the debug (like you did) and behavior should return to normal.

Kaimarae said:
Also, is it possible to retain the original formatting of the map? Or is that a huge screw around?

Possible.... yes. Really, MapWindow does a couple things. First it cuts out a -lot- of extra space by removing every other character in a line. This compacts [] to +, removes the spaces between a room and its exits, and in general makes the map more compact. I don't really recommend changing this, personally.

The second thing it does is replace certain MAP characters with others. This is totally optional, and you can add/remove entries by changing the relevant fields in the plugin:
-- translate MAP markers
roomcode = {["S"] = "$", -- shop
            ["+"] = "@", -- current location
            ["$"] = "B", -- bank
            ["N"] = "N", -- newsroom
            ["P"] = "P", -- post office
            ["@"] = "W", -- wilderness exit
-- color-code "special" rooms
roomcolor = {["@"] = 0xFFFFFF, -- white
             ["B"] = 0xFF8800, -- deep blue
             ["N"] = 0xFF8800, -- deep blue
             ["P"] = 0xFF8800, -- deep blue
             ["W"] = 0x0000FF, -- red

You can disable the translation by changing this to:
roomcode = {}
roomcolor = {}

Kaimarae said:
Wow. I turned CONFIG MAPVIEW OFF for shiggles. Turns out, your map still works. So I guess that counts as it being gagged, heh...

Ahh, yes. I forgot that MKO has this (and Achaea only got it recently). Basically you have the main MAP command, which shows you the MAP alone, and the config option that shows the MAP as you move. My plugin, since it was written before CONFIG MAPVIEW became available, issues a MAP command and gags the response. You can turn the config option off without affecting the plugin.

Kaimarae said:
Sorry for taking up so much of your time, and thank you!

No problem! It's good to know the MapWindow isn't completely locked to Achaea. :)

'Soludra' on Achaea

Blog: http://jonathan.com/
GitHub: http://github.com/Twisol

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