The tabbed windows look great. :)
Are they currently capable of showing status & activity like the activity toolbar, btw? I have one program, EditPlus, where a changed but not saved file gets a little red star in front of the tab name instead of a blue one (the default), but whether that is easy to accomplish or not I don't know.
The thesaurus solution sounds pretty good actually. My initial thought had been something like what Word does, where you can right-click on a word and it brings up a menu which includes Synonyms. If you then mouse down to Synonyms, it pops out a list of such for the selected word. But that probably would require it to actually be installed into MUSHclient.
Regarding the spawned windows, I think that are a couple of issues with using notepad windows (at least, as I currently understand how it would work) to simulate them.
First of all, they can't (as I understand it) have a separate input window. This, as it see it, is a crucial feature for real spawned windows, as it really allows you to separate out specific channels, pages etc completely. Without that, I can't really see the benefit to the 'workflow', so to speak.
If you have a separate input window, you can type your pose in your main output window, and take a brief pause to answer a page in another window, without having to first copy and cut out for later your half-finished pose. Believe me, I do this too many times a day, and its no fun at all when you lose the pose because you copy something else. ;)
It could also allow for you to, in those spawned windows, simply type your message instead of having to remember channel prefixes, names for paging and so on. The window would automatically handle that bit, turning 'Hello' into '+pub Hello', for example. Ideally, it would allow me to do '+pub Hello' as well, and recognize that as the 'right' expression, for maximum flexibility.
Secondly, the size limit of the notepad could be a problem, especially if you want to keep a channel discussion going throughout a whole session. If you forget to log and would like to capture the whole backlog of an important discussion, it wouldn't be a good idea if they have to periodically empty themselves out to keep from being filled up.
Thirdly, they're sort of 'out of the way'. I actually use the notepad pretty rarely because I always forget I have the windows open, since they don't show up on the activity toolbar.
In some thread or other from last year, which I've been trying to find again, there was some talk about how real spawned windows could use a tabbed interface in interesting ways. I believe one of the ideas was to have spawned windows noted on the tab somehow (perhaps with a number indicating how many spawns you have), and accessible as a kind of drop-down menu when you right-click on the tab (and maybe anywhere else in that world). |