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Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline


void ColourTell(BSTR TextColour, BSTR BackgroundColour, BSTR Text);

View list of data type meanings


This lets you do a "tell" in a specified colour. It is not transmitted to the world. It is useful for making comments to yourself. The note is NOT automatically terminated by a newline, so you can use ColourTell multiple times on one line (eg. to change colour in mid-line). The note colour is saved and restored, so that the world note colour is unchanged after using this function (however the new colour is used for the tell itself).


world.ColourTell "red", "blue", "Hello there"

The colour is specified by colour name - you can use the MUSHclient colour picker to see all possible colour names, or type: world.Debug "colours". You can also specify colours in HTML format, like this:

world.ColourTell "#FAEBD7", "#FFB6C1", "Hi there"

If you leave a colour name blank, it is unchanged. Thus you could do this to get red text on the existing background:

world.ColourTell "red", "", "Hello there"

A new line will automatically be started by output from the MUD, or a command that you type being echoed to the output window. You can send a new line yourself by sending vbCRLF (in Visual Basic) or n in Jscript or Perlscript.

To make changes to the text style (eg. bold, underline) see NoteStyle.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.23 onwards.

VBscript example

world.ColourTell "red", "blue", "Hello "
world.ColourTell "white", "green", "there"

Jscript example

world.ColourTell ("red", "blue", "Hello ");
world.ColourTell ("white", "green", "there");

PerlScript example

$world->ColourTell ("red", "blue", "Hello ");
$world->ColourTell ("white", "green", "there");

Python example

world.ColourTell ("red", "blue", "Hello ")
world.ColourTell ("white", "green", "there")

Lua example

ColourTell ("red", "blue", "Hello there ",
            "white", "green", "everyone")

Lua notes

You can supply any number of arguments, however they must be in groups of three:

* foreground colour
* background colour
* text

The example above shows how you might send two lots of text coloured different ways.

Return value


See Also ...


Colour management
Default triggers/aliases/timers/macros/colours


(AdjustColour) Adjust an RGB colour
(ANSI) Generates an ANSI colour sequence
(BoldColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI bold colours
(ColourNameToRGB) Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code.
(ColourNote) Sends a message to the output window in specified colours
(CustomColourBackground) Sets the RGB value for the background of a custom colour
(CustomColourText) Sets the RGB value for the text of a custom colour
(GetCustomColourName) Gets the name of a custom colour
(GetMapColour) Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed
(MapColour) Changes the colour mapping - the way colours are displayed
(MapColourList) Returns an array of all the mapped colours
(NormalColour) Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI normal colours
(Note) Sends a note to the output window
(NoteColour) Chooses which custom colour will be used for world notes.
(NoteColourBack) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - background colour
(NoteColourFore) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text colour
(NoteColourName) Chooses which RGB colour name will be used for world notes - text and background
(NoteColourRGB) Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text and background
(NoteStyle) Sets the style for notes
(PickColour) Invokes the MUSHclient colour picker dialog
(RGBColourToName) Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name
(Send) Sends a message to the MUD
(SetCustomColourName) Sets the name of a custom colour
(Tell) Sends a message to the output window - not terminated by a newline

(Help topic: function=ColourTell)

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